I ahve had 4 completed bookings at my listing so far. I have only been operating as a host for a month.
My first two guests didn't leave reviews which is unfortunate as they had a wonderful time with no complaints. The third guest however did leave a review. It was not great but not horrible either. I listened to their criticism and resolved the issue with the guest privately as well as making vast improvements to the unit. (hired a new cleaning service and requested pictures when they were done.) Issue resolved with everyone involved includig Air BnB.
This leads me to my fourth guest. They booked with instant book before the listing was completebut maintained excellent communication with me while I updated them with everything I thought would be relevant to their stay in my place. Upon their arrival, they contacted me to let me know they were extremely happy with the place and that they were looking forward to the remainder of their stay at my house. This is a 3 night reservation.
On the morning after their arrival I received a text letting me know that the guests are unhappy due to finding a **bleep** roach. I completely understand this even though this is a tropical island and bugs are inevitable. I agreed to refund them according to the refund policies on the listing. I advised them they need to contact Air BnB to work out any remaining refund they think they are owed. I ahven't even recieved the payout fromt heir visit which is why I wanted them to handle it through Air BnB.
Well they refused the refund offer and stated they would be leaving by noon.
Ok, no problem. I'm sure Air BnB will figure it out and let me know what I owe. Guests are checking out so I called the exterminator to come in and treat the place a secoind time this month as I have new guests checking in on this week and I would hate for this to be a continued issue. I ahve also hired someone to come and clean the unit of the dead vermin that will naturally occur due to the treatment.
I went to check my security feed to see if the exterminator had left yet s I could rearm my system and the guests have blocked my security feedsas well as turned off my audio feeds. This is a direct violation of the house rules as the security sysem is my lifeline to the house. I cannot unlock doors, arm the system, let my housekeeper in or let my pet sitter in without that system.
I contacted my guest about this and they informed me they are going to stay on my property until they get a refund.
I was shocked.
They're demanding a full refund yet are ontinuing to stay. They have threatned to leave a bad review using pictures of the dead roaches left from the treatment process. They have threatened this because, and I quote, they are "mad at Air BnB policies." They agreed to the flexible refund at the time of booking and as it was mid day where I am when they notified me of the problem, it was a scramble to to try and get this rectified by close of business on a Friday.
First, it's Hawaii. We have bugs. They are indigenous to the island and there is literally nothing anyone can do about that. They are a vital part of our fragile ecosystem. I ahve the unit professionally treeated once a month rather than the 6 times a year that is normal for the area. A couple bugs is always normal especially when it rains.
Second, if the place was so bad they need a full refund, why are they still in my house?
I can counter a bad review as the guest is refusing any of the solutions anyone is offering them and i doesn't take an entomologist to tell the difference between a stepped on bug and one that died from a treatment. one is squished, one is not.
But what on earth am I supposed to do at this point? I honestly want to quit Air BnB now. It doesn't seem worth the headache of dealing with people who want 5 star resort type accomadations for $70 a night in an upscale neighborhood in Hawaii.
How do I stop this guest from doing this to me? Or do I just have to uffer through it? I'm fine with issuing a refund however Air BnB decides to do it since the guest immediately involved them, I do not want to give this guest any money until it is resolved through the reslution center. Which he is refusing to do. He also won't leave my peoperty which makes it impossible to fill the dates with someone who understand it's a **bleep** tropical island.