Resolutions Center is a Joke

Level 2
Palm Bay, FL

Resolutions Center is a Joke

The Resolution Center is absolutely INEFFECTIVE.  I have been trying for over two months to collect for damages from a guest (vomit and feces in the pool, smoking in a non-smoking property, personal items left everywhere, huge boxes of metal left in the garage, cigarette butts all over the front and back yard,  black stains on the pool deck, interior furniture left outside in the rain, broken lawn chairs, arrests for drunk and disorderly, begging my neighbors for cigarettes and rides to the liquore store.)  It was my first listing at this property and the guest agreed to pay the $190 in damages.  He swears he paid it and says he spent 3 days and 15 phones calls trying to make sure it was resolved, but Airbnb seems to have lost his payment and he refuses to pay again, so I'm stuck in the middle trying to figure out why Airbnb won't  cover me for the damages.  The only thing they have to say is that they'll pay me when the guest pays them.  Well, if its up to the guest to decide to pay the damages and there is no enforcement of the security deposit, any guest could simply refuse and that's the end of it.  Too bad, Host.  They're on the guest's side, and their excuse is that they can't charge a guests card without the guests permission.  

Well, I never gave MY PERMISSION for the guest to treat my property that way.  The rules are very clearly spelled out as are the fees for damages.  Every time I call the resolution center I get someone new and I have to start all over from the beginning of the story.  Airbnb has gone into my account and reversed payments willy nilly and no one can explain it to me.  I feel very invaded and when I try to ask questions I am brushed off or threatened.  Earlier today I was on hold for TWENTY FIVE MINUTES without anyone so much as checking in on me or thanking me for my patience.  After two months of trying to get some resolution from the resolution center, I've esclated my concerns to two different (yet equally ineffective) supervisiors, Mike and LATRICE.  At least Mike was trying to help me, but LATRICE... ugh.  She is the worst, and she is paid to be on these calls.  This is her JOB not MINE.  I am taking hours out of my days to try to get to the bottom of it and I still do not have any RESOLUTION.  I have refused to let this go, which I'm sure they're banking on, but when I called out LATRICE and expressed my frustration she threated to cancel my Airbnb Account for violation of their standards (because I was frustrated by the repetitions, time consuming and ineffective process I had to deal with, and because I also accused her of NOT having her facts straight, which clearly she did  not.)  REALLY?  THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR HOSTS?  You're making money off of us and you seem like you could care less if our homes are damaged by reckless and inconsiderate guests.  Why don't you kick THEM out of the program?!   I have a legitimate claim and instead of resolving it she threatens to close my account.  WOW.  JUST WOW.  UTTERLY OUTRAGEOUS FROM MY PERSPECTIVE.

1 Reply 1
Level 7
Paris, France

On guest's side indded.

And cannot debit their card. But our host's account ; yes.