@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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Hello community,
I am booking an apt. in Rome for the end of may. The host is telling me to pay an addtional 2 euro's per night as a Rome city tax that the hosts 'must' charge travellers. This charge is seperate from the bill we agreed upon through Airbnb.
Does anybody have dealt with this before? Is my host doing something he shouldn't do?
Kind regards,
Ruben **
We are hosts, and we do have to charge tax separately because Airbnb doesn't collect it for us. However, we put in our listing that it is extra and will be collected upon arrival. So, double check the listing, and if they didn't have that in the listing, you may be able to argue that extra cost.
hope that helps.
i,m host in Rome , the tax we ask is for the turist tax of the city of Rome and is 3.50 a person for a nighit i have to collect and give to the city hall look at : .
Can you honestly say that you give it to the City Hall?
How does your City Hall check such things? How many guests and so on? It's impossible to check, you know it
It is possible to see how many guests and when based on the info you must provide to the host upon your arrival. They must fill out special tourist forms if they want to keep renting out their places legally. There is nothing shady in this practice and its a common case for many european cities.
Thank you for the link. I am coming to Rome and I am glad I know ahead of time how much I will pay for my stay.
My host is asking about info on the guest like age, nationality, and document info... is this legit?
Yes Judy, I am a host in Rome and we have to do it or we brake the criminal law! All the ID info are sent to the police by a web page called alloggiatiweb.
What I find kind of shady about the tourist tax in Rome is that some AirBnB hosts charge it at the time of the stay and others do not. If this is a legitimate tax in Rome, AirBnB should include that it the total cost because it gets expensive with an extended visit and can add a significant amount to the total of the stay.
United States
In Lisbon we can only charge till a max of 7 days. People can be informed of those taxes with the official local tourism to verify if it is truth or not.
this is not uncommon. In Nashville, Abnb collects the state sales tax but not the local hotel occupancy fee which I collect usually through the Abnb resolution site.
all of this is dependent on the deal struck between Abnb and the city.
Some may factor it in directly into the price to avoid these kinds of repercussions. Lets be honest, no-one is ever happy when they have to pay extra fees.
I'm an host and we have the same in Lisbon. 1€ per person per night. But honestly i don't know why we have to charge this tax through airbnb being a City Tax. We has hosts have to pay that to the government. So the guest maybe can be informed of that tax in the description. But i don't see it why it has to be announced by the host.
I tottaly agree with you. I didn't know about it, so I'll prepare my pocket for that!
This is not correct in my opinion. 😞