I have setup an Offical Meet Up in the Meet Up forum board. I am still trying to figure out how to add the others that are coming prior to me setting it up lol... We're looking at a nice size crowd this time round, not huge but more than just the few that were interested in July. If you are interested in coming, please join us. I am providing a lite brunch with beverages. I'll be honest here, I am actually going to be using you as guinea pig's for my venues new Wedding package that provides it for a 3 or 4 hour brunch with cake Wedding. It's designed for the low budget couples that want the full feel of a big wedding, but don't have the $20K + budget. Hoping to get feedback on that too ;D If we're on the money or if we need to change out the offerings on the menu/selections.
Link to the Offical Meet Up: