Setting house rules to accommodate a busy schedule

Setting house rules to accommodate a busy schedule

 We have hosted for about a year with wonderful success. We have some friends that have an extra bedroom and are looking to make some extra money by renting it out so I suggested AIRBNB. They have 3 dogs and 3 cats, 2 of their grandchildren who live with them, and have busy schedules. I told them they can set check in and out times to their choosing, but they are worried about leaving their animals and grandchildren alone in the house with the potential of a stranger being there. Their animals are friendly, but two are small dogs that act a bit feisty when around strangers. They would not attack anyone but someone who would be intimidated by a very small dog growling or barking at them may not enjoy their welcome. They can manage the dogs when they are home but if a guest wants to come and go during the day this may be a problem. Is it possible to set rules that only permit guests to be in the home while my friends are home? (leave before 7 am, arrive no sooner than 4 pm during work/school hours)? Is it common to have a room that is really only designed for sleeping and not much else (relaxing around the house) Are you a host that has animals in your home? what tips would you have for my friends regarding their dogs? Are you a host that only allows guests to be present when you are home? How has that worked for you? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Airbnb doesn't feel right for these dudes. Too many risks.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Guys - a recipie for disaster all round. From slighly agressive pets, to grandchildren (who seem to be left at home alone with no supervision) through to wanting guests out of the house at random hours. I think I would be worried more about the safety of the guest!


Seriously though, it really won't work and will cause your friends a lot of stress, and your guests even more.


I'd look for another solution....why not take in a long term logder who will get used to the dogs and whom the parents can trust. Perhaps someone in their work circle, or friends of friends looking for a place, etc..

Level 10
Como, CO

It does not sound like they are set up to host on ABB, perhaps when their situation changes? 


Dogs can be kept out of the public areas if they are a problem.
