@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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A family of 5 has booked 2 nights in May 2019, and since I have a very big patio, they have asked if they can have a 4-hour party at my house for their daughter's college friends and their families. It'd go from 5 people to upwards of 30 people for the party. They said they'd only host it if it's nice weather. I first said "no" but now they're offering a security deposit. What are everyone's thoughts? Should I say "yes" and charge a venue fee, like $150 or something? Any recommendations are appreciated. Thanks!
@Christy88 assuming you are happy the request - there should certainly be an increased cleaning fee, plus a damage deposit. Personally I would not put on a venue fee as it then feels like a changed relationship (ie they have booked a party venue) and can make more demands,
You should also consider start and finish times and perhaps draw up a simple contract, including that they are reponsible for the cost of replacememt or repair for any damage done by their guests
Thank you Gerry And Rashid for the opinion!
@Christy88 I would never, under any circumstances let them have a party. If they want to celebrate they can book table at a restaurant. No security deposit can cover the stress they might cause, what if they are very loud, what if the neighbours complain, what if the damage is above 150$...there are many what ifs and it is not worth the trouble in my opinion. Maybe you can give them suggestions for a few nice restaurants.
Hi Ana, that's exactly what I told them. I offered to give recommendations on local restaurants they can have gatherings, and they said they are already doing that the night before. I read another response before yours and they said to charge a bigger cleaning fee and get a security deposit. But it's more than that...to your point, it's added stress and risk...I'm a single mom and just want 5 people in and out, easy peasy...thank you!
@Christy88 hosting is stresfull as it is with some guests, you don't need the added stress. If they are gathering at a restaurant the night before, maybe they can go out to some bar and have a few drinks.
Don’t! In addition to the other comments. You also would need to consider alcohol ramifications for college age kids. It’s a liability you as an abb host do not need! I’d simply say, “I’m a host for lodging. No party.” In fact, I have it listed in my post-“guests cannot have guests” “no parties”
I think the words 'event' and 'party' insinuate different things to different people; one person's 'party' would be called a 'wake' by some true party animal.
What you are asking about is a gathering of 30 people, a sheer numbers issue, their behavior is the 2nd issue. Needless to say, certain logistical realities need to be worked out (like who parks where for starters), and certain controls must be in place (college young people) and certain costs will be incurred (like clean up).
If you are up to the challenge @Christy88, why not. 🙂
I am with @Fred13. Certainly host a gathering. In addition to a security deposit, I would require that they provide an insurance rider insuring the gathering for X number of dollars. When I used to present concerts in Manchester, NH, some 15 years ago, our non-profit was required to have a liability policy with the venue as the benefactor for $2 million.
I wouldn't do it. 30 people having a party is a recipe for problems.
Live near UW and have seen the aftermath of many parties. I would say join the votes for NO. I'd also keep a close eye on them since they might go ahead anyway...
@Christy88 I do events on my property and have a seperate contract for them. First off insurance is a must. Then if you are not providing anything extra at all like tables or chairs, charge a per person fee just like an extra guest fee to cover your cleaning and misc. costs of $10-$20 per person, personally I would go with the $20. I charge way more, but I supply a seperate venue on the property and many items with it. Also a $1,000 cashiers check that is returnable to the guests if there is no damage. They simply bring it back to their bank and redeposit it with the back signed Not Used For Intended Purposes. Also have them sign a contract. If you need one I can send you a copy of mine if you decide to do this. We are also present for the entire event.
The client shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance, including Host Liquor liability, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Such insurance shall name Live Oak Vineyard LLC as additional insured, and a certificate of insurance with an endorsement must be provided twenty-one (21) days prior to the event. Average cost: $100 if no liquor is served and $175 if liquor is served we recommend www.privateeventinsurance.com or www.wedsafe.com (This insurance is separate from and in addition to insurance provided by the caterer, if one is contracted.)
Thank you Letti! I really appreciate your time and help! I will be in touch if I want the contract, but for now I think I'm going to hold off.
I have some guests that want to have a wedding reception by my pool. I have no idea what to charge if I decide to do it. I read your contract and that looks pretty thorough. I can’t decide what to do. The way they approached the situation was to book the space and then....oh, by the way, we want to have a wedding reception here. What????
Does anyone have any advice?
@Pamela461 The way they went about it was totally wrong and would have red flags flying for me. They are not going to be willing to pay a per guest fee or even a flat fee. They want to have their party at the cost of the rental without any additional cost paid to you and are probably not going to be honest about the guest count they intend to have either. They have to order rental tables, chairs and catering at minimum. Are they planning a dj? What time are they planning to hold this? Are they serving liquor? I would personally call AirBnB and cancel this reservation its got nothing but trouble spelled all over it. Anyone that intends to hold a wedding if they are honest asks and negotiates before they book the place, not after. Wedding are a lot of work and as the property owner you will be coordinating it whether you know it or not. There will be a ton of extra trash to dispose of and people to police. Without a heavy extra payment for all the time and expense involved, walk away.