Should I report this host?

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Should I report this host?

So, I was doing my occasional thing of checking out the competition in my area 😉 and happened to see a listing with a VERY bizarre cover photo, ie it was 90% wallpaper! Out of pure nosiness and nothing better to do, I investigated further....


I found that the description states: “Female only. No couples.” and there are additional prohibitions due to religious reasons. (I'm assuming the female host is Moslim.) There are two single beds in the room.


Firstly, I'm not particularly up for reporting people; I've seen a few listings in my area which seem to be extremely economical with the truth, even dishonest. I haven't reported them.


Secondly, if I were lesbian, in a couple, I wouldn't want to stay here, for sure...


Am I getting the wrong end of the stick? Is there any other interpretation? If not, should I report this host for discrimination?









12 Replies 12
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Patricia55   It is not considered part of the discrimanation policy for a shared home to be available for only females is the owner is female. 


Gender Identity

Airbnb does not assign a gender identity to our users. We consider the gender of an individual to be what they identify and/or designate on their user profile.

  • Airbnb hosts may not
    • Decline to rent to a guest based on gender unless the host shares living spaces (for example, bathroom, kitchen, or common areas) with the guest.
    • Impose any different terms or conditions based on gender unless the host shares living spaces with the guest.
    • Post any listing or make any statement that discourages or indicates a preference for or against any guest on account of gender, unless the host shares living spaces with the guest.
  • Airbnb hosts may
    • Make a unit available to guests of the host’s gender and not the other, where the host shares living spaces with the guest

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

On what grounds would you report this host @Patricia55?


As an experienced superhost you will know many hosts don't have a proper photo of themselves and quite a few female hosts feel more comfortable only hosting female guests. And of course some hosts will include restrictions because of their religion or diet.


I thought your comment about not wanting to stay their if you were a lesbian was rather uncalled for.


The religion I think you were trying to refer to is Muslim not Moslem by the way.

Moslem is also an acceptable spelling. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It is a quite an old fashioned version of the word commonly known in the world today as Muslim, and not a spelling I've ever seen used in the UK @Jill295

@Helen3  You are right. I'm guessing no pork allowed in the home was one of the items that was a restriction and @Patricia55  refered to that as religious restriction. AirBnB allows hosts that option also in their policy. 


  • Require guests to respect restrictions on foods consumed in the listing (e.g., a host who maintains a Kosher or vegetarian kitchen may require guests to respect those restrictions). These restrictions should be stated clearly in your house rules.
Level 4
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Leave her alone. First, a host is permitted to only choose to host same sex guests. Second, she’s not your competition. Make your place the best you can. 

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom



OK guys, you've got me wrong, I guess I wasn't clear enough.


It was the “Female only.” followed by “No Couples.” that concerned me. I thought this could mean: No couples of ANY sex, eg lesbian couples – which would imply homophobia.


I may well have read too much into this, hence my asking for advice.


PS No, I wasn't asking for advice about female hosts only wishing to host female guests – that is perfectly understandable 🙂

@Patricia55   I am sure the reason she has no couples upfront and in their face is people do not read the listing. I am betting she has had couples try to book more than once or twice that didn't read that only females were allowed. In this case the couples booking or trying to were in no doubt a woman and a man. She does not host men period is what she is saying. 

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Yes, your - kinder - interpretation did occur to me (she was taking the belt & braces approach) and you may well be right. Having said that, the “Female only. No Couples.” was literally the first thing on the description and pretty impossible to miss.


I just can't get over the niggling feeling that if I were in a lesbian couple and I saw that, I'd feel excluded and unwelcome.


Anyway, her prohibitions don't seem to be working in her favour as she has no reviews and full availability...

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

90% wallpaper can be because they hd no idea of the size pic to put up. Often we see a photo which shows a tiny detail like a bedside table in the head pic. Should be the whole room, but image fail. My guess!

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Oh some photos! I confess to having a snort at some I've seen: so bad! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying mine are that great, but at least I tidied up before taking them 😉 One guy locally set up a new listing about a month ago (is getting bumped up the rankings because he's new, even getting the “Rare find” label lol) and his pics are just awful. I felt like getting in touch to offer him some tips... but thought he'd ask me to go round and tidy up for him!! It makes me wonder if some people think doing Airbnb is a piece of cake, with no effort involved – take a few pics then just sit back and let the money roll in... So far, he has no reviews and full availability, so presumably had zero bookings.

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom



Um, just to clarify, my post had little to do with:


1) female hosts prohibiting male guests;

2) pork;

3) the correct spelling for the followers of Islam;

4) photos;


and a lot to do with possible homophobia (stress on possible, cos I don't know)


It would be great if someone - possibly from the LGBQT community - could address my point. Thanks 🙂