Some guests don't write reviews so why.....

Some guests don't write reviews so why.....

Is it that they tell you what a great place you have, you found them to be courteous, clean, respectful etc and you write a review accordingly......then after 14 days they get a glowing review and you get squat!
I'm not sure of the fairness here, can anyone explain??
Thank you
4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

That's life - some people do and some don't. I wouldnt worry about it as long as your reviews are good. 


And if you think that it is preventing you getting Superhost status, then don't worry about that either. Not a single guest that we have had has ever used that as a search faclity, they look at reviews. Superhost just makes hosts feel good about themselves.

@Gerry-And-Rashid0, your advice on focusing on the guest experience instead of the superhost status has indeed helped me. I had also spoken to some of my guests about it and they mentioned they weren't even aware what superhost means. So thank you 🙂


@Christine-and-Stephen0 - I have only 65% guests writing reviews for me. It increased slightly after I took away the guest book from my house because that would mean writing twice for the guests. It further improved when I started sending them reminders one after a 1 and another on the 12th day along with a snippet of what I wrote about them. You can try doing that. Hopefully it'll help 🙂




Thank you Jeet!!  That's a very good idea and we don't have a guest book....Steve wanted to but it looks like that may have just gone out the window.  

I'll start following up and see what happens! 🙂

Thanks guys, I don't feel so bad now...I guess it's just disconcerting when I understand it's a 'community' but I think some guests just see it as 'a night'saccommodation', which of course means they don't see you much different to a hotel room! 

It's funny, as a newbie, I got so excited when we got Superhost status, I had assumed it meant more than it clearly does! 

Thanks again 🙂