Sort on Reviews, Bad reviews

Level 2
Ann Arbor, MI

Sort on Reviews, Bad reviews

We got a review last week and it shows at the END instead of most recently.  Has anyone else seen this?  I'd like to report to Support.


Also note that if I have a bad experience and my Host knows it, she can choose NOT to leave a review so that my sub-par review does not appear.  Any suggestions for this?  (other than being disingenuous in advance)




9 Replies 9
Level 10
Bellevue, WA

are you saying that either party can hold the other parties review "hidden" if they never write one?  If I am a host and I know someone was unhappy, (or vice versa), simply don't review to ashcan that bad review?

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Lisa673 @Geoff22 the host cannot suppress your review by failing to write one. (Or vice versa) Your review will appear on the host's site 14 days after your stay, or after the host reviews you, whichever happens first. (If the host doesn't like your review, they can try to get Airbnb to remove it, but this is not easy and would require some evidence of falsehood or violations of terms of service in your review.)

OK, that makes sense.  People shouldn't be able to supress other parties bad reviews.   I read recently that one knock on the review system is that they aren't anonymous, so if you tell the truth on how bad someone was, others can see that and might consider you a "critical" person and avoid dealing with you later, so people tend to "sweeten" their reviews so they don't get into that position.

Thanks I will check it out when the time comes, it was not a very good place and I was worried that I would not be able to alert other guest.  

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Lisa673Reviews from guests from other countries go to the bottom of your reviews. I'm guessing that's why it's at the bottom of your list. Guests from your country will always be at the top of the list, even if they're not the most recent. It's not a fault: it's the way Airbnb arranges them. 


Reviews will be posted either when both parties leave a review, or 14 days after the stay has ended. Not writing a review for you does not stop your review of them from being posted: it just delays it. 


And guests from other countries, see your reviews from their own country first. I believe there is then a concentric circle from there.

Thanks, that is why then, this guest was from France

Level 8
Calgary, Canada

I had a bad guest that I gave a negative review to.  He did not review me but my review is still on his page?

Level 1
Bengaluru, India

Even I am facing the same problem