The latest updates were great which allows us now to amend many listings altogether.
However some useful features are still missing in my opinion, and wanted to check who else agrees.
-A Dissappear Button: A one click that lets you go off the search Radar of guests in all your listings or selected ones, for a cetain amount of time. ( Let us say you are out camping, and do not want to use your phone, do not have a co-host, or just want a break), instead of receiving messages, and replying late, which might get you lost your reply rate, this allows you to freeze ur airbnb for 24 hours or however long you can choose, without worrying much.
-Stop/Pause instant booking For all listings: Many times i need to freeze instant booking, and this option is available but only for each listing by itself, for hosts who have multiple listings, it would help if we can choose all the listings, and Pause instant booking for them all.
-Notification message on mobile: When we receive a booking, we just receive name and date of booking, it would be more helpful if we also see the listing that was booked. (Also for people with several listings)
-Multi-Calendar, a great new addition, however it would be even more great if we can see the internal nicknames of each liting next to the names, also if we can re-arrange them, as in move a listing up or down in the list.
Feel free to add more, im sure i skipped some stuff that would make the platform more user friendly.