Super Host Status and Declining Guests

Level 1
Wake Forest, NC

Super Host Status and Declining Guests

Good afternoon Airbnb host and super-host, my name is Veronica Plummer. I wanted to let the group know, to beware of one night bookings from local residents. Unbenounced to me these  were 16 or 17 year old children whom had  used their older brother's ID to rent, after the second time the police were called and 50 children were escorted out of the house by  WakeForest Police. $750.00 $ in damages.  I  wanted to let the community  know to be aware of  these house party trends

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Concord, CA

@Veronica588Thanks for sharing your experience. I had the same issue with a group of people who are not teenagers, but still under 30s. If you rent out the entire house, I would suggest you to put your minimum stay to be at least 3 nights to avoid those party goers.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Why is your being SuperHost relevant to your post?


You've been barely hosting 6 months, which does not suggest a great deal of experience.

And its notable that you have not used the option to edit  no 'Parties or Events' under Booking Setting in House Rules.


Moreover, you evidently experienced a 3rd Party Booking violation. If you can prove the elder brother did not attend the premises, Airbnb may well delete the account holder  and a issue a full refund for damages.