Super Hosts & Instant book

Level 2
Paris, France

Super Hosts & Instant book

Hello everyone,


I was wondering if I cancel an instant book because I am suspicious about a group of guest, can I loose the super host status?


Also, it is saying that I can cancel up to 3 times an instant book per year. Does this apply to a listing or to host? (i.e if I am mananging 5 listings, can I cancel 3 times each listing without any penalty or it is 3 for all my 5 listings?)


Many thanks for your help.


1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



You raise two questions, one of which you have rightly identified re cancelling up to 3 times a year. However, please note that the policy states you 'MAY' be able to cancel up to 3 times a year penalty- free not you 'CAN' cancel penalty free, it's a fine line but a difference all the same.


You have mentioned a suspicion regarding a group of guest although without more details regarding the nature of your suspicion, it is hard to give a more specific option as to if your reasons would warrant a penalty-free cancellation or in fact to suggest any other solutions. The policy clearly states that a host may be able to cancel penalty free if they have concerns about a guest’s behaviour, It's probably best to contact Airbnb to discuss the nature of your suspicion in order to determine for sure if it is an acceptable reason to Airbnb. Ultimately penalty or not, I guess the hard decision falls on you to make in terms of potential issues you envisage from this group of guest.


The second point re max cancellation per listing or host is an interesting one, I would assume it would be per listing. My assumption is based on simple logic, some host have more than 3 listings so for example, if a host has 5 listings and in the year this host is very unfortunate and has at least one suspicious guest in each of their 5 listings does the host have to accept the other two suspicious listings to avoid penalty? it would also be unfair if a host with one listing may cancel up to 3 times and the same equal opportunity not apply to a host with more listings; the very fact that you have more listing means more exposure and probably more risk.

Cancellation by a host is based on an informed decision or suspicion/ gut feeling of the guest(s) intentions/ behaviour whilst in the property not on the host and guest relationship as too early to determine a relationship at booking stage so it should be per listing not per host.  As I said, this is just my view and other hosts might have suggestions I may have overlooked, I would be interested to know this answer for definite as I two have two listings so could have an impact on me - just never thought of it but very valid question.

