Suspended in retaliation for bad review of guest. Slandered and almost giving up

Level 2
Wilmington, NC

Suspended in retaliation for bad review of guest. Slandered and almost giving up

I have been a host now for about eight months. I achieved super host status in thirty four days which is pretty good in my opinion. As of this minute I have  113 reviews with 108 of them 5 star. The other 5  are four star. 


Two weeks ago I had a brand new member sign up and book 1 of my units. I had several noise complaints from other airbnb guests.  I texted them multiple times to please keep the noise down. I even went over there on friday night and knocked on the door and they apologized.  They also stayed late after checkout. Here's the crazy part they left me a 5 star review. I left them a not so flattering but honest review. Coincidentally after they saw my review. I'm ninety nine percent sure they then called up airbnb and slandered me making horrible accusations.    A few days later my account is suspended and they will not tell me why or who complained even though I know who it is.  This is so black-and-white. A case of retaliation. No one would believe what these people said about me whatever it is. Because they did nothing but compliment me in the review. Nothing changed between them checking out  and the subsequently  slandering me, other than my bad review of them going live.  Now I am on day 8 or 9 of a suspension. I can't even defend myself an airbnb acts like they cant care less.  I sent them proof and screenshots proving every word. I'm saying is true and it's like talking to a wall.  I take tremendous pride in giving my guests a very memorable vacation and I go above and beyond to maintain my reviews.  I have been a consistent money maker for airbnb for 8 months now and they suspend me. Without any due process, on the word of somebody who had 1 trip.  If anyone had anything to share, please help.  I am at wits end.  Thank you in advance

14 Replies 14
Level 3
Cradley Heath, United Kingdom

Airbnb cares more for the guests, no matter how bad they are, than it cares for the hosts, no matter how wonderful they are.


I too am a 5 star  super host with nothing but great reviews. All my guests tell me and anyone who will listen what a wonderful host I am. Yet I had a two week suspension because I had words with someone who didn’t even book!


I had an enquiry, I always answer and usually answer immediately. Then he asked another question, then another, then another… questions that were answered on my room description.

I started to lose patience when this guy had ate into my day with his inane, nonsensical, “how long is a piece of string” questions. He was booking a 5 star rated room and had taken 11 hours of my day. In the end I told him exactly what I thought of him, and what a huge waste of time he was. I got a two week suspension.  


I really didn’t care. I offer a service because it suits me. I’m not some indentured skivvy.


This exact scenario has happened twice now. 

Amen Julie

Perhaps, just decline the listing?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Catherine-Powell Oh dear - 2 suspensions of superhosts in the same day. I realise this is difficult stuff but I do wonder if a revision of the suspension process is needed. I have no idea as to the true magnitude of suspensions but a senior rep applying common sense feels necessary.

@Steven1440 what did you say in your review? Did it break the guidelines in any way?

I wrote almost verbatim...several noise complaints from other guests (this is a triplex)  had to drive there and ask them to please keep it down. In all fairness did keep house clean. Also stayed past checkout 


That's literally all I said. If that violated anything I'd be stunned



Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hey @Steven1440 ,

Although we believe that the team would already be looking into your issue, I have also made sure to nudge them from our side. I hope you hear from them soon, and it gets resolved!


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Thanks Bhumika. This is really a huge issue.  Nobody at AIRBNB even told me I was under any investigation until I called and asked.  There were sync issues with calendars so i thought I was down while they worked on the calendar errors.  

As for the person who complained, this is what they wrote about me in my review.  FYI they were also a brand new airbnb customer with no reliable history.  This is their exact review no edits:


"The place was really cute, neat & clean! The host was very attentive, communicated great, was very kind and respectful."


So according to THEM, in their own words, I was attentive, a great communicator,  kind and respectful!


That alone shows they only called to make an issue after they saw my review of them.  ANYTHING they accused me of should be immediately known to be a lie based on THEIR review of me. Nothing else changed from the moment they wrote that review to when they called and slandered my reputation.  We never spoke again.   AIRBNB handled this is the absolute worst way imaginable.  No host should ever be treated like this. Ever.


I sent AIRBNB screenshots of me texting them asking them to keep noise down.  I sent them a log of my door access code that shows I came into the house at 11:20 am (20 minutes AFTER checkout. After knocking for 5 minutes and being ignored.

I also sent screenshot of me texting them at 11:21 that my cleaning girls would be there at 12.  So what I could have done to them in less than 1 minute is beyond comprehension, especially after getting a 5 star review from them. Absolutely outrageous this has taken 9 days and I am the only one being hurt by this.


dont even have words


Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Steven1440  "I sent them proof and screenshots proving every word." That is what you send to them to proof what you wrote in your review was warranted (on fair grounds), but that may not be the real issue. It is what they  responded with and send to Airbnb, what 'forced' them to go into their standard 'must-investigate' protocol. Not too hard to imagine the guest's works-every-time opening salvo.

    If they can't share the reason or the facts with you because 'is under investigation' then it is a Catch-22 situation.


@Julie4654Why would anyone with 'inane, nonsensical' incessant questions merit more than just a few responses? The first answer suffices to check the Airbnb requirement of answering an inquiry once. From there onward the answers better become progressively shorter quickly and more spaced in between, otherwise you will have a bored 'pen pal' on your hand with someone you won't even want them as a guest in the first place.

Absolutely Fred.  My point is a three year old can figure out what happened here. When the guest checked out they left me a five star review. The only thing that changed between them leaving me a 5 star review and making whatever outrageous claim they made was the fact that they saw my bad review on them.  I went from 'kind', 'thoughtful' and 'respectful' to a monster apparently in 3 days...only after they saw my review conveniently.  This whole incident Should have taken airbnb all of 12 seconds to put to bed.



Make that a nano-second.

This is the #1 problem with Airbnb and must address it: any refund or suspension need be done only by a supervisor. They require a level of awareness and thought well beyond the capability of just anyone.

One more point to what you touched on Fred... It doesnt matter what they accused me of. You can assume  the worst possible thing and its still an obvious lie.  The worse they accused me of, the worse it looks for them.  The fact that they left me a 5 star review  with 4 compliments  negates anything bad, especially horrendous accusation on their end.


I am contemplating suing the guest for slander and defamation and loss of income.


Imagine in court......

Did you write this review?


"The place was really cute, neat & clean! The host was very attentive, communicated great, was very kind and respectful."

And then 3 days later you accused Steve of (Horrible thing here)


They say yes.  


So in a mater of 3 days he went from kind, respectful and attentive to  monster? Although you had no further communication from him whatsoever, besides seeing his bad review he left of you?


Case closed in 13 seconds.  


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Steven1440 sadly suing the guest may be difficult as you will need to find their name and address. Also you will need Airbnb to tell the court what the guest accused you of which they won't do.

Whatever it was is 'serious' according to AIRBNB. A court can compel them to release the info.  

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

A fellow host that also posts on this board recently said that we hosts can go from being great one moment to committing 'hosting atrocities' in a jiffy. Too funny.