
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

The Co-Host function

Level 3
Telluride, CO

The Co-Host function

For days I've had an owner trying to add me as a co-host.  AirBnB claims they are aware of the glitch and working on fixing it but it's still not fixed! Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

36 Replies 36
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Stacy37 totally crazy!


I have shut off professional tools, as that is what the rep said I should do- but clearly  it won't do anything.


I was thinking today the only other option is to open a new account and for new clients to use that account to add me- otherwise we have no other way of operating, then I will have to switch between the two to check messages and bookings etc- will be a total nightmare :0 but I don't see any other option if Airbnb don't have a way of removing the team function...which is strange

From the article the cs person sent :


"Additionally, if you are a team member who wants to be a co-host, you'll first need to remove yourself from the team."


Tell me how to remove myself from a team???!!!


What I have done since no one has been able to remove the "pro host team member" flag that they say is causing the problem is to create the listing under my account and add the owner as the co-host.  


I have been co-hosting for one owner for a year (the one who inadvertantly added me as a "team member") and they had me diassociate my account to remove the flag.  It didn't remove the flag and now I can't even accept a co -host invite from an owner I've been co-hosting for for a year!  I can't recreate his listings because there are so many great reviews!


There are so many problems with the proposed solution of a separate account - I need all my properties on one account because the app is only linked to one account.  I want the owners to benefit from my superhost status as it raises their listings in search results.  I'm infuriated by this last text that is basically "we don't know how to remove the flag so tough luck superhost!"

Absolutely, @Stacy37. This whole situation has been beyond exasperating. And the inept customer service only adds to the frustration. I still have not heard from CS about the new ability to (finally!) deactivate Teams, but the option is now there. 


In your situation, you may need your client to deactivate their Team as well. 

It worked!  I love you!

YAY, @Stacy37!!! I'm so gald you're back in business!!! 


Now you can school your customer service agent on the actual fix! ha!

the latest:


Airbnb Support
Airbnb Support11:52 AM

I absolutely understand the frustration with this situation. I really wish there was a way I could get around the bug in the system, but unfortunately until our team of experts have resolved the bug, we can not remove the pro-host flag from your account.

I understand you would really like to be a co-host, and that the bug is preventing this. Our team of experts are currently aware of and working to remove the bug from our system. Until that bug is removed, no one affected by the bug with the Airbnb pro-host team flag can be a co-host or remove the flag.

Thank you for your patience while I reviewed your case. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to share your concerns and perspective on this experience.

Thank you again for your understanding and for your valued time and contribution.

Best Wishes,

Such a ridiculous, uninformed, and unhelpful response from them, @Stacy37


They finally listened to us (that this is related to the launch of Teams) and added a Deactivate button on the bottom of the Teams page. (You may need to log out and log back in to see this.) Once you click Deactivate, you can be added as a co-host.


Hope this works for everyone!


(@Paul1255, I wanted to make sure you saw this too!)

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

going to try that now @Alece0  thanks for the heads up

did this work for you?


can you take a screen shot? I don't see that

I unfortunately can't screenshot it now that it's already been deactivated from my account (I don't have a Teams tab any longer). I had to do it on my computer, and I had to log out of Airbnb and then log back in. Then clicked on Teams tab on top; then settings; then scroll down and there's a Deactivate button there. 


Give that a try, @Stacy37, and have your client that had added you to a team do the same thing. Then try having them add you as a co-host. Fingers crossed it works. Report back in!!


You too, @Paul1255! Has it worked for you yet?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Alece0 @Stacy37 I did it and a client has just added me !!!!!!!!!!


Is it a bit sad that I have never been happier ;))))

@Paul1255  - I feel the same exact way!!! 


Now if only customer support would actually reach out to all of us who opened support cases to actually inform everyone of this fix. We clearly figured it out before they did. #WhatAMess 


I am just so thankful this is working and we can resume our work!!! 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Alece0  yes ahahah! I sent a message to my case manager to tell her about the fix...her response was that she did ask the programmers to look into it so they worked very fast :)))


We need a co-hosting forum really.

Level 2
Ilford, United Kingdom

Hi Paul

I have a newly renovated flat in East London and I am looking for a co-host. in-box me on if interested