The Tagging Contributors Problem in Forums Explained: and a Work-around

Level 10
Providence, RI

The Tagging Contributors Problem in Forums Explained: and a Work-around

Thanks to Rob from down under for explaining this issue that has been driving me, and I would think most of us who post regularly, CRAZY and giving us a viable though cumbersome work-around.


I took the liberty of quoting Rob directly from Kenneth in Chicago's thread on the twenty questions


   . . .  you may (or may not) know but, on Tuesday last week the CC computer program suffered some form of corruption. When you tag someone you are not currently tagging the person you think you are! All tags for me are ending up in Robin from Ashburn VA's mail box and the Willow you tagged was an entirely different Willow to the one you thought you were tagging.


If you want to tag someone you must grab their tag from a post that was placed on the forum before last Tuesday week.

You will find a list of the most frequent contributors at either of these pages.


On each page scroll down to Administrator @Lizzie's post and you will see us all grouped together. If you copy a tag from there and post it into your current post, it will end up with the person you require.


The only information other than text that you can supply here is that which you can copy from the CC before Tuesday 30th May.


It is to hoped that the programmers can find a solution to this problem in the not too distant future.





Why it's taking so long to fix is beyond me.  My guess is it's low priority.


49 Replies 49
Level 10
Providence, RI



I'm trying this work-around. I do believe it works.


Open the link in another page to copy and paste at your convenience.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

John, oh joy of joys you got the right @  'Robin'!!


John I am looking for holes in the corruption of this program! I am now going to try to post a screenshot directly from my files here, but I am going to try and do it via another route.

This might end up being very disjointed if it doesn't work, but I feel I need to try.....

Report user.png



Ok, success....I am now starting to get somewhere! I have been able to post a screenshot here directly from my picture files. I am starting to understand what has happened here!

Let me work on this a bit more and refine it and I think I can get us back to fairly much where we were before this corruption took place. The tagging of current new contributors I haven't tackled yet, but I will!

Please humour  me, I might be able to solve this!





Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

 @Rebecca  @Fred  @Matthew  @Linda  @Ria   @Branka & Silvia  @Oomesh Kumarsingh  @Marzena  @David  @Willow  @Jessica & Henry  @Kelly  @Huma 


I am taking the liberty of tagging some other contributors here into this thread because I may be able to get some personal level of contactability back for us. You will all notice that the tags above are correct!


John- the snag I am striking is, it has to be right first time! If I find something wrong and have to edit the information in the post including pictures and screenshots, the information becomes current and will be rejected when I try to repost after an edit.

Please stay with me on this I think I know what has gone wrong and although I can't fix it I can possibly suggest easy ways around it!


See it takes a 73 year old to sort out these issues, not twenty something computer gamers!!



Level 10


Hi John ,


unfortenately, the workaround You describe doesn't really work.


I can tag You @John0 so that Your name turns blue on the screen, but unfortenately the recipient of this tagging does not get notified. Do You see in Your communication feed that I have just taged You?


I have been taged 2 dozend times last week, but I do not get these notifications in my communication feed. All I have there are thumbs ups an posts I have posted, that's all.



Level 10
Providence, RI




Hi Ute,


It might work when you use a name on the list in the link (like I tried with Robin in Australia) --  the correct Robin came up.


Your John tag came up a guy in Finland.


I will try to tag Rebecca inOregon:   @Rebecca

If you right click her tag the correct Rebecca comes up.



I did not get notified on one from your post because it tagged John in Finland.


I see your tag brought up Ute in Bremen.  Cause you are not on that lis nor am I.


More testing is needed.



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Do you all think this is really a computer glitch, or another example of deciding that a feature should be changed- maybe we were getting too vocal and organizing our thoughts on some issues a bit too much with each other, and deleting the tagging feature was a way to quell that? Seems an awfully long time not to be able to fix a tagging issue. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The tagging is IMHO nothing more then a link to a CC user profile. This link can be found by 

right klik over the users picture and choose copy link address. The link differs from other people by the number at the end. If you tag as useal and this number does not correspond with the link as described, you tag the wrong person. You also got an HTML error anyway.

So i do a test now for John from Providence:

I create a text tag and add the user link by using the linkfacility button at top of  message screen

Question: did you recieve notification ?




Level 10
Providence, RI



Well, my bad, but I had not clicked on "follow this conversation."


I did not get a notification, but a right click on the tag leads to me.


Now I'm more confused thanever.  Lol

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


OK, so does not work.. :>(

BTW i did not recieve confirmation too, because you addressed another person also named Emiel...

You addressed:

I am:


You see, it's all in the last digits...


Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I looked into the HTML of the older postings where tags still work.

So i do 1 other test now, just for curiousity:

@johninProvidence did you recieve confirmation from this posting ?



I did not receive any notification.


A funny thing, I tested your tag yesterday by right clicking it and it came up the real you.


Today it comes up the wrong you in the right country. 


Now my head is spinning.  Am I being gaslighted?  Lol

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Thanks John,  

Let me just  prove a point here!

I posted a few photos here in the 'What Lighting to use' thread from a month ago.

Now if I bring one of those photos here by clicking the photo icon, 'Insert photo'   and inserting the photo from my computer files this is what will happen when I post........


Nothing, I will get a red field telling me the post has invalid HTML's check before posting and the photo will be removed.


But, if I go back to that thread of a month ago and copy a picture from there and post it here.....Bingo, it works!!


IMG20170308181344   01.jpg


Because the information in that thread was posted prior to the corruption of this program, everything works! But it is no good trying to tag a contributor or insert something into a post that you can't access from before Tuesday 30th May!


Why on earth the programmers can't simply hit 'Restore to an earlier version' and fix this problem in four and a half nano-seconds is beyond me, and it is probable that @Sarah says is correct and that there is something deeper than just a corrupted program going on here.

Time will tell.




Yup........ totally agree that this is not JUST a simple glitch. To be honest, the ABB site/program wasn't the best to start with (who am I's terrible and completely user UN-friendly!!!!!) and we all know what kind of problems a bad foundation can lead to 🙂