This is why we get a kick out of AirBNB

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

This is why we get a kick out of AirBNB

So we have been hosts for one year now and we have had, without exception, the most lovely people to stay. Many we have kept in touch with on Facebook, Whatsapp - a few have become regular guests. Some have become long distance buddies - and very excited to say that later this year on a trip to the US I will get to see old friends AND new ones met solely through hosting. For those of us who have people to stay in our homes that's what it is about I think - we were reluctant hosts initially - and today probably decline (unfairly) some bookings but....we have made some new friends in Europe and further afield because of this. Just wanted to post this because sometimes it gets lost in the melee of stuff about pricing, etc.
6 Replies 6
Level 10
Panglao, Philippines

We couldn't agree more and our experience reflects yours to the letter as well as a trip to NY in September.. We love everything about Airbnb.

Level 2
Bundaberg, Australia

I'm liking it too. You're right - it can be about more than just making money off your spare room - if you want it to be 🙂


For us, it has turned into a family experience. Our 3 young kids will grow up knowing the work and effort involved with Airbnb as well as the friendships made.

Thanks Airbnb for changing our family for the better!

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Exactly! There are some real gems amongst the guests that I know I would and could contact to go have a drink or mal if I ever travelled in their area!

Level 2
Westport, Ireland

I agree completetly! It was an added benefit from hosting that I was not expecting.

Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

A good reminder, @Gerry-And-Rashid0. 🙂


I agree with all of the above. Since December 2015, I've had 14 guests/sets of guests), and they've all been lovely.

To date, I have invitations to visit France (complete with overnight private lodging), Georgia (Tblisi), and China.

The Chinese guest - who lives and works in the UK - even said that I should let her know if/when I intend to visit, so that she can accompany me and be my voluntary guide in her country. 


For a couple of reasons (including family visits from Canada) I've had to put hosting on hold for 2.5 months, but I look forward to my next series of guests, the first of whom will arrive in a week or so.