I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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Hi everyone,
I recently had an experience where I had a request to book, so I gave pre-approval but accidentally didn't block those dates. At the exact same time, someone 'instant' booked our place. I immediately contacted that guest to let them know what had happened. They were disappointed but understood, so I cancelled their reservation. However, now Airbnb blocked those dates so nobody can book, which seems a bit unfair. Is there a way to unblock those days?
Thanks in advance.
I use IB and occasionally get someone asking to pre approve, why?
I would never block out the dates first come first served.
Rule No 1 as a Host is never cancel, best bet to contact ABB and plead ignorance.
How do you contact them?
Only by calling Airbnb and explaining what happened. It is an understandable mistake. Btw, best to never cancel a booking, any booking, get Airbnb to do so.
P.S. Wrote this as David was making his post also.
That's great, thanks for that - finding a phone number for Airbnb is not so simple... Any ideas???
Someone will post where to get their numbers.
Btw Anthony, take the vein with Airbnb you are ~trying~ to book an ~Airbnb customer~, the blocking is preventing it.
It's ok, I found it, thank you!
Ho do you call Airbnb?
Same thing happend to me I had pre-approved a guest for 5 days but didn't know I had to block, Airbnb booked another guesstofr 3 of the five days now I had to decline the orginal one and I think they will ding me for that and now I'm stuck with only 3 days guest instead of a 5 day guest.
You do no have to block, when somebody else books those dates are no longer available, nothing to do.
And just five cents, manual blocking the calendar within the requested period of time is also a good way to escape a booking request you want to avoid but don't want to decline due to the stats/response rate etc.
Doesn't a request automatically block the days till one Accepts or Declines?
i am new to air bnb - listed vaguely on tuesday night and woke up to a booking on wed am which doesnt work for me (i stupidle hadnt blocked dates and had instant booking ticked - arrgh). The guest who also booked was new so understood so i cancelled. Air bnb now blocked out the dates and i want to free upthose dates to start taking bookings but cant - annoyingly it is NYE and i am having lots of enquiries but dates show bloced when actually they are free. i appreciate i made a mistake as within first 24 hours of being registered. how do i talk to air bnb to explain situation to them and get diary unblocked....
at this stage it seems too much hassle and i have spent hours and hours trying to work out how to talk to someone - i may just remove listing and go to competitor which is a shame...
You cancelled because you forgot to block the dates, so I do not understand why it matters that they are blocked?