Unfair rating?

Level 2
Ceres, CA

Unfair rating?

I've been hosting since May, have had 14 bookings and have gotten all 5 star reviews.  I am a nurturer and I ask frequently if there is anything I can do for my guests.  It's not exclusively about the review, its about making my guests comfortable while they are in my home.  There can be nothing worse than arriving at a home, having committed to a stay and have it be nothing they had expected. 

My problem is this - a single man stayed 2 nights and I did my usual introduction, showing around the home and offering him the usual water, drinks, yogurt, fruit, snacks upon his arrival.  I have a refrigerator in the garage exclusively for my guests which is stocked with all those things.  He utilized it for his perishables and all seemed well.

However, that evening, I kept hearing groaning and loud shouts.  I thought maybe he was dreaming.  But then he turned the TV on and raised it to an extremely uncomfortable volume where I could almost hear every word that was being said.  This was around midnight.  I am a very sound sleeper so I went back to sleep.  

I have a menu for my guests asking them to check what they want for breakfast and what time - I served him my usual hearty breakfast of 2 sausages, 2 eggs, 2 pcs of buttered toast (with jam if desired) orange juice, coffee and iced water.  While he was eating, I noticed he kept rubbing his shoulders.  I didn't say anything until he was ready to leave and I said I hoped the accommodations were acceptable and he blurted out "that futon and I did not get along at all".  I apologized and said I had not expected to have so many guests and that maybe the mattress had gotten a little flatter.  However, I have not had one guest say it was uncomfortable until him.  

He ended up giving me 4 stars and I thought that was highly unfair for all the snacks he could eat, a full sized breakfast and his quarters being cleaned while he was gone during the day, all for $34.  My profile clearly states "double futon".  If I had not stated that, he would have every right to complain.  So, was the loud TV in protest of my futon?  I thought that was very childish and inconsiderate but I gave him 5 stars which I regret now.  I have a hard time criticizing someone who stays with me but next time I will be more honest.  What does everyone think?

1 Reply 1

I don't know where to start!


First, we have had the most problems with solo male travelers, especially older, so we no longer accept them. Every complaint, refund scam, house rule issue, theft of alcohol, noise issue, sanitary issue, attention hog, etc...all solo male travelers. We have had a few that were absolutely terrific, but too many have ruined it for the rest.


Second, you aren't charging enough for what you provide (breakfast and maid service). Charge more and do not provide the maid service. One they check in, do not go into their space unless it's on fire. I do beleive it's actually against AirBnB policy to enter their room once they've checked in. Anyone? We also don't allow more than a week stay for several reasons, one being so that we don't have to provide any more sheets or towels.


Third, futons are awful. I will give him that. But, he was a big whiney attention-needing passive-aggressive baby. If you can switch it out for a daybed (twin bed turned sideways) or if a full-size bed will fit for two guests, that would bring you more and better guests. We also have a memory foam topper on ours and guests love it.