Visibility for booked guests

Level 3
Katoomba, Australia

Visibility for booked guests

This is a new feature under the location map.


Share details after the free cancellation period

Checking this box means guests won’t see your address, last name, or phone number while they’re able to cancel for free. After the free cancellation window, we’ll send guests this information. While this option gives you additional privacy, it can make it harder for guests to plan their trip.


It says if we check the box the details will be shared after the free cancellation period. 

What if we do not check the box?  When would our details be revealed, on payment and confirmation for the booking or even when the guests are searching and considering?


Also it says our last names would be revealed.  We can't find anywhere on the web site that has the record of our surname.  To what we can remember our full name had only be asked when our bank account details were given over for setting the payment method.  We wonder how they get our surname.


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Valerie283,


If you don't check that box your details i.e. address, last name and phone number, will be shown to guests immediately that the reservation is confirmed as was always the case before this option was added.


The box is in a section called "Visibility for booked guests" so it doesn't have any effect while prospective guests are searching. It applies only to guests who've booked.


What prospective guests see, while searching, regarding your location is decided by which option you choose in the "Choose how location is publicly shown on the map" section. People searching do not see your address, last name or phone number.


There is, in your profile section, a box for your last name . Click on your profile photo and then select "Edit profile" to see it. If that's filled in then that's the surname that Airbnb gives to booked guests.





Thanks @Steve143,


You are a gentleman and a scholar.