abusive guest

Level 2
Paris, France

abusive guest

Unfortunately I had to cancel a reservation about 2 weeks before he was due to arrive.

I had a plumbing problem which i couldnt resolve.

After thinking long and hard about this I thought it safer to cancel than risk an unhappy guest.

Imagine my surprise when he called me today after his trip was over to abuse me.

He called me quote"A piece of **bleep**" unquote.

he said I had his money accused me of dishonesty.

It appears he has been refunded.

I am so upset.

I really had no choice...

Can I report him there doesnt seem to be anyone to send a message to at airbnb?

22 Replies 22
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Ange2.......Hi Ange.......No, a metaphorical statement on my part.  When you put some regular time into a project, after a while you call it your 'job'! At least here in this country we do!!

 I am the kitchen coordinator for a volunteer meal supply organisation, I am there in that kitchen sometimes 25 hours a week and everyone in this house, my wife, my daughters, even the grandkids will say, 'it's my job'.....even though not a cent changes hands!!


I never thought about it at the time Ange, but someone on another post also queried if I was being paid to be here. I was just trying to get across to @Philippa13 that…… the reason people like you, I, David, Andrea (female version), Andrew, Helen, Sandra, Gerry and Rashid and other regular contributors spend so much of their time answering questions, or trying to give advice is, their desire to try and help others who may need it.

Whether we agree with each other is irrelevant, our desire is common, we help, we do it day after day and ………that’s our ‘Job”!!

Love your posts Ange….cheers…..Rob

I have committed to responding to host questions in the most helpful and supportive way I can.  In return, I get to see the responses from so many committed hosts and I have learned a great deal.  Thank you

You have really upset me I was only asking for advice not more insults.
Thank you so very much
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


@Robin4 is one of the most gentle and knowledgeable hosts on this forum, more  articulate than I, and probably a lot more patient.

How HER responses can be misconstrued as insulting is an enigma to me. 

However, and not wanting to upset you further, but if you would like more advice on how to handle your cancellation issue further, why don't you have a look back through this community forum at the many cases there in which this theme has been addressed. You'll also find different comments and tips that might probably fit you and your situation much better.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Andrea9.....Although my wife Adrienne features fairly heavily in that photo, it is actually HIM that is giving those responses.


Both Ade and I have bi-sexual names and when we started going out 47 years ago it used to give strangers a devil of time trying to work out who was who when we were introduced as Robin & Adrienne!!!!


Thanks Andrea (female form) as I said somewhere else...you are a star!


Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

That's a hoot @Robin4, got me laughing there! So in my mind I am now rearranging my identity picture of the Her-Robin to the Him-Robin 😉

And yeah, Italy and Argentina, I think it was are bastions for the Him-Andrea while most countries in-between use the Her-Andrea, so good thing we have the photo thing going here. 

And you are a star! I always love your very balanced views and love reading them.




Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Andrea9......Yes, I know what is going on here! You consider the writing and the depth of character far too interesting to be a Robin HIM so you have cast me as a.......Robin her!!

Once again, I feel totally crestfallen. I spend a good deal of time doing this because I am in the unfortunate situation of being in an all female house! I have a wife, a daughter, two grand daughters and a female Aussie Shepherd dog!

But….I do have a ‘man cave’ and that makes life bearable! 

spazio per l'uomo 2.....Man cave 2 (640x480).jpg


spazio per l'uomo 3.....Man Cave 3 (640x480) - Copy.jpg


This is a 'shed' way away from the house, it is my territory, I have my piano, my wine and my computer....in short a perfect male retreat...and I escape to this part of the world where I get to spend time with others from around the world, and if I can help someone in the process....well how good is that...cheers....Rob

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


It's funny looking back on it all now because your answers don't really fit real HIM and HER niches, if it's even clearly possible to split things up that way. But it could be possible that living in an all-female environment (!) might have had an influence on your very nuanced language style. While I still saw you as HER-Robin I found myself thinking that you were very organized, factual, illuminating situations from different angles, understanding  somebody's plight. Somehow I attributed it more to a very professionaly minded female, also I guess because Adrienne occupies a couple percent more space volume in the photo...

The more I think about it, the more absurd it seems, though!

Serious man cave, though! Big screen for watching footie (isn't that what it's called in your area of the world?), bottles and bottles, work station. And even able to play music! And a good place to flee for peace!

Cheers, Andrea