
Level 2
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Hi Tina,


i hope i get right place. I have used system Strict. Today canceled Abdulaziz(PJSTMX). Thanks for him I did and changes my plans .

I agreed refund him 50%. 

Please refund him 50%. Because this is site very hard and i don t know how  i need to do this






1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

No, sorry, this is not the right place.  This is a discussion forum for hosts.  If your guest cancelled through the site he will be refunded 50% via airbnb. You do not need to do anything provided he cancelled within the time limit for having a 50% refund (one week prior to arrival).

Perhaps take some time to learn about how the site works and read about the different cancellation policies.

Here is a good place to start: