gap between price and takehome

Level 1
Washington, DC

gap between price and takehome

i just made a special offer and airbnb is saying it's charging my guest $5026 and giving me $3800. Why such a big gapp??

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Orewa, New Zealand

I thought they charge 3%!!    Thats in excess of 150% plus....   This needs to be addressed at the open where everyone can hear their reasoning...   


Level 2
Wrocław, Poland


I'm having similar issue. My price for the guest is 1715euro and the guets says the price is 2015euro.

That is not 3 %!!! It's 17%!!


Can anyone tell me how to contact AirBnB directly??

Yes I am having the same problem.... I get queries for 11 guests or 7 guests and they get quoted the price for 2 rooms that accommodate 4 people and then they complain that, that is the price they were quoted.  Then what I get less the commissions and bank fees doesn't even pay for 3 people including breakfast!!!