
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

guest reviews

Level 1
Sarasota, FL

guest reviews

Hi, So what do I do when I hosted someone that I consider not a good guest? He was messy, drank way too much and brought his son without letting me know ahead of time, then left him with me almost like an assumption of baby sitting? Should I write an honest review for him to see? 

24 Replies 24

I'm leaving also because they don't care. However, why didn't you warn others? I do at least like the double blind review process. It makes it so that someone can't retaliate after a bad review.if no one tells them that their behavior is deplorable they will assume its normal.once they hear it 3 or 5 times it might sink in.

I know that leaving a constructive review that got the general message across would have helped the greater good in the Airbnb community, and ordinarily I would have done so.  In this instance, the window of time I had to decide what to do was simply not enough for me to "get over it" to the extent that I could have written anything that didn't make my disgust and contempt entirely transparent.  And that's not who I am, nor is it professional.  Were it to happen again, I would use the diplomatic messaging recommended by some of the other hosts that responded.  

@Jennifer-and-Brandon0  Well lets hope and pray that I do NOT get those particular guests of yours in the future.........which is why I ask EVERY potentail booking w/ no reviews if they have stayed at an Airbnb before because I have discovered (yikes) that not every host will leave review....especially when so many of us rely on them.  And sure enough, 3 weeks ago, this question paid off because one of my guests who did approach me, with NO reviews, finally admitted he HAD stayed at an Airbnb and proceeded to tell me he didn't leave a review either.  Well, that's not good enough for me.  I contacted Airbnb and asked for the host listing and contacted the host myself.  Seems that host decided to not leave a review for THIS House Rule breaking dude but chose to not warn others....(yikes again).  Therefore, I simply reminded the host that had he left that honest review, I would have declined a bit faster.....


What a bummer that you are leaving ....perhaps I can help you with how I "VET" my guests to see if they are going to be the best fit for our home and family (private room) because its definitely working....I decline about 20% of my booking requests based on how they answer my 10 required questions at Pre Approval time and its working like a charm....only hosting one Super Guests after another!  And other hosts are already implementing and using my idea with their own required 10 questions.  And confirmed its working for them too.   (send me a private message here on the CC if I you would like my help because I LOVE AIRBNB...and Airbnb knows it!)


Sometimes we as hosts forget that there is more to the booking process...and that we are NOT required to take a booking without having an ongoing back and forth conversation with a guests prior to confirming.  If a guests chooses to not engage with me on the message thread using their Airbnb account, then I just move on.  And smiling the whole time....because I have probably just dodged another rule breaking bullet of a guests! And yes, I stay booked every month for 23-25 days only because my husband prefers I block 5-6 days throughout the month to give us some Love privacy....going on 18 years of marriage....we still need and want it.  hahaha. 


If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

The problem is that he had 3 good reviews, he was NOT a good guest as his reviews said. ANd to top it all off, I just found a hand held BB gun under the guest bed, loaded, it looks and weighs the same as a real hand gun!! I have NO tollerance for that!!! 

I wrote to Air BnB and told them what happened, I left him a less than gleaming review! 

Level 2
Austin, TX

I would write just that and give him no more than 3 stars if that. He broke house rules bringing guest without telling right? I personally would have called cops or cps for the child's sake.

If the guest brings a child and you will permit a second guest, you need to change the reservation to add the second guest and the guest has to accept that change.  If the child is a minor the guest should not leave the child at your home and go away. If it is a young child then you have every right to insist that the guest keep the child with him.  If not, you could call CPS.  I'd be inclined, the moment I saw the child, to add the child to the reservation and clearly state that the guest cannot leave the child unattended.


I guess a teenager (14 to 17) for a few hours might be OK but the guest should ask you first.  Our House Rules actually state that guests may NOT leave minor children or pets unattended unless 1) if a child we are going to be home, they have asked and we have agreed or 2) a pet is crate trained and securely confined in a crate for no more than four hours at a time.  We are very specific to ward off this kind of situation.



Level 3
Maryland, United States

Can someone tell me how to access a hosts listing from this forum. Thank you

Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to identify individuals I'm sharing exchanges with on the forum and I'm sure that's by design.  They do value the confidentiality thing despite the fact that part of the sharing economy is founded by collective sharing through experiences. That's clearly being compromised.


For a "tech company", Airbnb has one of the absolute worst UI/UX (user interface/user experience) teams supporting their app and website.  Their site map (the way you navigate around the website intuitively) is absolutely horrible.  By the way, I work in tech, but in HR/Recruiting so for me to assert this with confidence that I am correct is to say "your site just sucks, peeps".  


I am going to try to reach out to Airbnb.  They need someone actively managing this community with the knowledge and experience, plus a few additional support host/guest Q&A staff and an escalation team.  Enough is enough.  Do others think it is worthwhile to collectively advocate for improved internal support?  I for one happen to think that to do so would boost their business.  Curious what others think...

Mouse over the host's profile picture and a window will pop up where you can view their profile, send a message etc.