host story pictures

Level 2
Vermont, United States

host story pictures

I am trying to add two pictures to my host story but don't see a thread or link for this. Any Advice please? Ron
4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Ron52....Not quite sure what you are asking Ron! Are you trying to say you want to add additional pictures to the picture gallery on your listing. If this is the case on your home page hover over 'Host' and a drop down box will appear with various options! Go to 'Calendar' and editing options will be displayed on the left side of your screen. Scroll to and click on 'photos'. The page should look something like this...

 Edit page (800x450).jpg


From here you can insert more images, add text and move the displayed order of your pictures by dragging and dropping to a new position. Just remember that the first picture will always be your profile picture.

Hope this helps Ron.


Level 2
Vermont, United States

@Yen-and-Robin0 ... Thank you so much for your kind assistance. I am actually trying to attach two photos to a host story I wrote for the airbnb community. I'm afraid my old MacBook may be hindering my progress. As an alternative, I did add them to my listing as you proposed. Best down under. It's 5 below zero (F) right now here. Ron
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Ron52....Oh Ron...I've got my legs crossed just thinking about it!

11.05pm on Friday evening and I am sitting here in my 'man cave' in a short sleeve shirt, it is still probably about 25c outside, been just over 30c (86f) here today and this, to us, is what Christmas is all about. I only ever had one Christmas in the snow and it didn't feel right for me. Christmas here is about getting out in the back yard with friends and family, a dip in the pool, leg ham off the bone and a mass of cooked prawns....shrimp you guys call them and cold salads. Christmas is about sitting on a hill and watching the sun dip into the sea. Having lunch in your favourite vineyard and washing it down with a nice chilled Sav Blanc.

I know, in July the boot will be on the other foot....but just now, this is Christmas....and I hope you have a great one Ron!


And now I have got all that off my chest Ron you can insert photos into your text on this forum by clicking on the camera icon at the head of the box you are typing your story into. You will be faced with a box which will say 'Insert File' and find the photos you wish to insert and click 'Upload'!

You have to be a bit carefull about file size. About the largest that will be accepted will be about 1900 x 1080! If your pictures are larger than that you can resize them and then try inserting again...

All the best..Cheers....Rob

Level 2
Vermont, United States

@Yen-and-Robin0 ... Thanks so much for those suggestions. Unfortunately, there is no camera icon on my message board. That seem to be the heart of the issue. I added the pics to my listing site if someone wants to see them. Enjoy the sunset and Sav Blanc. Salute, Ron