
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

my guest and i agreed to an upcharge due to more guests

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

my guest and i agreed to an upcharge due to more guests

it did not drop into my account. for 4 days i have written a barrage of emails and spent over an hour in phone calls. it is as if the call center has blocked me. this is a simple problem, but airbnb has the dumbest people at the call center. and i speak tagalog so there is no excuse except poor training. i guess this will need a competitor with simple efficient customer service to fix this, as no one on airbnbs end cares about doing their job.


5 Replies 5
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Garrison2 Sorry about your issue and the incompetent customer service. One thing I find interesting is that a lot of us hosts have had the perception that there is a language barrier when contacting CS in the Phillipines, in that they almost never seem to grasp exactly what the problem is without endless, frustrating, repetition of what should be clearly understandable. But you speak fluent Tagalog, so I guess it's just simple incompetence and refusal to provide decent customer service. Or they are hiring employees with low IQs and comprehension problems.

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

thank you. it is maddening to think that airbnb wont correct this. i have spent 10 hours of my time and made them do the same. i finally messaged my guest and asked him for the difference. if he does not pay i assume my only other course of action is to file in small claims against airbnb.  it seems like they are trying to be bought, by not investing in adequate customer service. maybe marriott will be better.


Level 10
New York, NY

@Garrison2 That is insanely frustrating!  But my favorite thing about your post is “I speak Tagalog.”  🙂


I’ve always used Twitter to communicate with them and found them helpful and efficient, but my last exchange there was frustrating as they just didn’t seem to have read my simple question and kept posting canned sentences in response.  I finally told them to drop it as I had work to do.  I concluded they’ve downgraded the Twitter team to call-center levels too.

Level 10
Long Beach, CA



When you and your guest agreed to a new price for extra guests, did you submit the request through the airbnb site as a change? 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

the guest did and i accepted. it did not go through at airbnbs end but i was unaware until the money dropped. this evening after 6, someone from airbnb wrote to say they would fix it, but they have to ask the permission of the guest, because he has checked out. 5th day of airbnb notified, 7 cases opened and closed, over an hour of speaking with U S customer care....and something that should be cut and dried is now a circus of asking permission to charge a guests card....