poor search results

Level 2
Deloraine, Australia

poor search results

When I search Airbnb in my area I am listed number 32 in the search results. Most of the other listings are 50km and more further away, but appear before mine. What is the reason for this? My booking are down to a trickle.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Matt-And-Tanya0 Well, join the rest of us! But kidding aside, you need to know that well established listings such as yours drop down in the search rankings as new listings are put up.  New listings get a temporary boost by being put at the top of the searches just so they can get started.  

That said, are you searching as a guest would? Many hosts make the mistake of just looking at listings without any filters and are dismayed where their listings show or, in the case where there are 1,000's of listings, the fact their listings don't show at all. 


I suggest you search using filters such as listing type, price, amenities, number of people, etc.  When you narrow the search I'll bet you find your listing well positioned.  

You might also be interested to read this Airbnb article: 



Hope this helps!


Hope this helps!

Hello, Clare.

Your reply was helpful for me, too. 

Airbnb has also given me some tips to help my listing appear in a higher place, such as update the Calendar and have good photos. 

Of course, what you say about boosting new listings is very important. Also, do you think that many guests really search with filter?

@Ira4Yes, I think guests use filters. In places where there are many listings, such as London where I believe there are 30,000 listings, it is essential to use filters to weed out listings that are irrelevant to the guests' needs.  

Once guests narrow down their search results, it is important to have the listing photo (the one displayed on the search page) to be appealing and eye-catching.  Blurred, dark or uninformative (like a picture of a toilet) photos don't interest the guest so having the best photo show first is key.

If you have Airbnb's professional photography available, take advantage of it.  My guests tell me that the photos were what interested them first.  




Level 10
Austin, TX

If it makes you feel any better, when I searched for "Reedy Marsh, Tasmania", with NO other filters to narrow things down, your two listings showed up #2 and #11.


Looks beautiful, by the way! Can I come live with you?  🙂