I just noticed I've been calculating the transient occpancy taxes incorectly for a couple of months - using the amount I receive, rather than the amount the guest pays, to calculate the 9% my county collect. Now I can't figure out how to find out how much each previous guest paid. While this is easy to find this info for future guests, I can't seem to find it for previous guests 😕
Am I missing something, or is this info hidden from hosts after a guest leaves?
@Lucy0 Yes, you can get all the information you need from your Dashboard. Click on Transaction History under Host ( you might need to log in again) then click on Earnings Summary printed in red. You'll see your gross earnings (the amount you should have paid the TOT on), the Airbnb Service Fees and the payout amounts. Real simple. You can use this information as well for paying your income taxes.