[Game] 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ Pride music emoji quiz! 🏳️‍⚧️

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

[Game] 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ Pride music emoji quiz! 🏳️‍⚧️



Hey everyone!


It’s time to have some fun, and this time I’m hosting one of the CC’s favourite games: the emoji quiz! As some of you may know, June celebrates Pride Month, and since this is something very important and personal to me and many other people around the world, I wanted to use this opportunity to make an LGBTQIA+ themed emoji music game.


Can you guess which of the LGBTQIA+ community’s most popular songs are represented by the emoji below?


LGBTQIA+ Emoji Game.png


Have fun!


P.S. Have a look at some of the events and spotlights from AirPride as well:



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37 Replies 37
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Sybe - we had so much joy in making this game 🙏🏻😂



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Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sybe I'll start with number 2 - YMCA. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Mike-And-Jane0 Correct! 🤠


Y.M.C.A by Village People was added to the US National Recording Registry, which preserves audio recordings considered to be "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant", in March 2020 after the US Library of Congress described it as "an American phenomenon".



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Level 6
West Palm Beach, FL

@Sybe Number 2!!!

Mike from West Palm
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



11 :  Dancing Queen - ABBA

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Emiel1  That's the one, thanks! 😃



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Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Is no.1 "It's Raining Men"?

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Like a Prayer? No 3?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Huma0 @Deirdre122 Both of those are correct, well done! 💃



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Level 2
Nokomis, FL

Is # 7 lady Gagas song born this way?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Tammy483 It is! 😃 There are a lot of things Lady Gaga has done for the LGBTQIA+ community and she is rightfully recognized as an icon. Before "Born This Way" was even written, she came out as bisexual explaining her song "Poker Face" is about another woman. 


During her Born This Way Ball, she opened the Born Brave Bus where fans could unite pre-show and discuss issues like mental health and bullying. She's one of the fiercest advocates for the community!



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Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



10: I want to break free - Queen

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Emiel1 Another one correct! 


The song is about a person that feels repressed and wants to "break free" from their relationship. The song was later taken on as somewhat of an anthem for one's own personal freedom for people who find themselves in a situation where they feel repressed, and want to "break free" and show the real person that they are.



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Level 10
Providence, RI



#6 Believe ?