[Game] A-Z of Hospitality

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

[Game] A-Z of Hospitality

Screenshot 2022-09-01 at 08.38.10.png


Hi everyone, 


Many of you have been living and breathing hospitality for years. We’re now putting you to the test with an A-Z alphabet game, to share the words that you associate with hospitality! 


For every letter of the alphabet, comment a word related to the theme and if someone already posted your letter you can comment your word for the same letter below their comment! Let’s keep going until we get to “Z”! 


I’ll get things started: A is for Airbnb!


Enjoy 😃


- Sybe



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39 Replies 39
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sybe B is for Breakfast

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Sybe @Mike-And-Jane0 C for Check-in!


Calling all other fellow word game aficionados, if you want to join us on this one 🙃 @Ralf5 @Laurelle3 @Emiel1 @Pam5 @Mauricio467 @Clara116 @Michelle1164 @Till-and-Jutta0 @Ann72 @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Michelle53  @J-Renato0 @Laura2484 @Sharon1014 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Yannis37 @Helen350 @Cathie19 @Mika8 @Michael5047 @Deirdre122 @Huma0 @Tammy483 @JJ48



Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Helen427 I'd never heard the word doona, you've taught me something today!



Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Sybe    E for excellence.....what each host should strive for in hosting and offering EXCELLENT Hospitality!!

                    F for furniture.....really important in your Airbnb for great hospitality - comfy and usable esp. bed/sofa

Level 10
Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy

E   also for       EVERYONE


@Sybe  G for Groups!  Families and friends welcome!

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Clara116 @Ashley1424 Love that!


H for Hosts, what would Hospitality be without you all ❤️



Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 9
Elburg, Netherlands


I is for Internet - necessary for guests?!


is for the  Joy I get from hosting



Level 10
London, United Kingdom



K is for kitchen (or kitchenette) if you provide one.

Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

L for love hosting to do the supreme job 

L is also Laugh at the crazy stuff guests sometimes do or say




Level 10
London, United Kingdom

M is for memories - something we are hopefully helping to create

Level 2

N is for Neat! 😉

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Maira0 you beat me with the letter N. I was writting away setting out a challenge for others with th letter N and set out below

NAME of your Airbnb

NEIGHBOUR respect your neighbour and let them know that you have a buisness and work with them. Let your guests know to respect your neighbours.

NOISE keep the noise down, point out noise in the house rules and warn your guests that it is not acceptable especially if you do not live away.

NEIGHBOURHOOD promote your neighbourhood with your guests with sightseeing, shops and activites, Use your local neighbourhood to buy items as it saves time and the environmental miles.

NOW when you say now to yourself or with your guests be as good as your word  as it is a tick in the box and others know that there is action, problem solved especially for guests and family.

NEVER put off today what you could do tomorrow for your Airbnb as you will get caught out.

NARROW  dont be narrow minded, if you give a little you will receive and it shouldn't be all about money. It will be what you receive. Happy guests and possibly a positive review.

NETWORK dont forget to use the CC Forum as there will be helpful answers, other hosts, encouragement, helpful administration team members and friendship across the world with a common interest.

NOSEY dont keep checking your guests and respect their privacy.

NATURE respect your natural environment and encourage your guests to do the same with recycling and appreciating the native birds, animals and plants in your local area by watching and not touching.

NAIL you have nailed it when you have done your best and you receive a positive outcome.

I could add more but  I will stop Now . As i have said there is a challenge for ther hosts to add more to the other letters. Come on! Enjoy the fun. By the time I make another list it will be over.