Invite to a Chinese wedding - what present should I get?
09:36 AM

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09:36 AM
Invite to a Chinese wedding - what present should I get?
Dear all, this question may be a bit different or abstract but I need some intercultural help.
I was invited to a wedding in China by a very good friend. Unfortunatelly, I cannot go but still would like to send her a present. But I have no clue what you would send to a Chinese couple in such a situation! In my country we tend to buy something from a list of presents or we tend to send money as a present. Maybe someone could give me some hints on what is expected from a (not attending) guest in China?
I want to make her happy! 😄
Thank you!
09:36 AM
8 Replies 8
12:21 AM

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12:21 AM
Hey, other hosts on this forum, anyone ever been to China and could give Corinna some tips? 🙂
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12:21 AM
05:12 PM

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05:12 PM
great question. We are not Chinese but have had qute a few Mainland Chinese guests and have many Chinese friends. I have consulted with them in the past when we've been invited to weddings of Chinese couples.
The type of gift should match the nature and closeness of the relationship you have with the couple. If you are especially close you should be thinking in the euro 150-200 range.
If you are not especially close think 35-45 euros.
As for the gift, if you are not especially close a more generic gift is in order such as a gift card. If you know them well, send them something more personal.
Always recomended is something from your country - Austria has amazing wines - Gruner Veltliner or a sweet dessert wine - that are difficult or impossible to find in the rest of the world. Someting from Austria would be a very good choice. If wine is not appropriate to this couple, send a plate with an Austrian motif or some other craft item. Obviously everyone likes Viennese chocolates, although shipping may be a challenge.
Is there a Chinatown in Vienna? If so there will be a service that specializes in shipping to China that will be helpful for packing, labelling and making sure it gets to the couple.
Keith in Calgary
05:12 PM
05:44 PM

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05:44 PM
@Corinna0 I just "caught" our current Chinese guest in the laundry room and asked him. First thing he said was "Chocolate" with a big smile (maybe a personal wish, I keep it in mind for his christmas present). Then he said something about a red envelop with money - something about 600 Yuan which would be around 100 €.
05:44 PM
05:51 PM

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05:51 PM
A red envelope? Ah I see, okay, I will use a red one then! 😄
05:11 AM

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05:11 AM
i'm chinese. i usually give cash in red envelop with a card to relatives' weddings. i don't know how safe it is to send cash overseas though.
05:11 AM
05:51 PM

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05:51 PM
thanks so much Keith! that's very helpful!
I will think about it! Wine is a great idea, but shipping it is quite difficult as it may break easily + the couple actually lives in London, so they may have the opportunity to get some good Austrian wine. As for the plate, same thing - breaks easily. Thank you for the approximate amount of money you should give, that's such a hard decision! 😉 Since I don't want to not give enough and not too much - both situations may create a weird atmosphere.
I will consider all that you said and find something personal, since they are relatively close!
Hope the weather is not too cold in Calgary?
Thank you!
All the best,
10:34 PM

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10:34 PM
Never was invited to a Chinese wedding but will ask opinion to a friend from China and will feedback you 🙂
10:34 PM
05:52 PM

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05:52 PM
thank you, Daniel!