Six Months Full Time Airbnb Living...
07:04 PM

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07:04 PM
Six Months Full Time Airbnb Living...
Hi All:
On Janauary 4th, 2017, I left Seattle to transition into living fulltime on the road. I've now spent 186 consecutive nights living in AirBnB.
I started on the West Coast of Mexico, in Jalisco and Narayrit. I then moved to Mexico. Then Oaxaca, Then the Yucatan Peninsula. And now I'm in Antigua, Guatemala.
So many stories to tell. So many experiences had.
You can follow my story here: http://www.TimCamino.Us
Tim & Camino
07:04 PM
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05:06 PM

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05:06 PM
Hello @Timothy30,
It is great to receive an update from you on you experience using Airbnb full time.
How has it been? What have you seen? Any great highlights? (I have soooo many questions) 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
05:06 PM
08:33 PM

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08:33 PM
[[How has it been? What have you seen? Any great highlights? (I have soooo many questions) :)]]
Hi @Lizzie
What an amazing experience. Life changing. I can't ever imagine living the way I lived before.
Just landing in Mexico on that first day felt like I'd arrived at home; ironically, I feel more at home being mobile than I did staying in one place. It just all felt so natural.
I've experienced everything from Mexican police to having to walk two miles in my underwear to find a locksmith so that I could get back into my house.
I've only just arrived in Guatemala, and from my front porch, I watched an eruption of a volcano complete with lava flows down the side of the mountain, illuminating the night sky. The next morning brought an impressive ash plume as well.
I started with one dog who, sadly, is no longer with me. And adopted a puppy in Mexico City.
So many stories to tell...and I've been telling them on my blog in serialized chapters (TimCamino.Us).
Life continues...
08:33 PM
08:39 PM

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08:39 PM
Take a look at my Instragram to see a photo history of my past 6 months!
08:39 PM
09:32 AM

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09:32 AM
This is amazing @Timothy30, it does sounds like it has been quite eventful! 🙂
Aw I am sorry to hear about Rialto, what is your little puppy called?
Dare I ask about 'having to walk two miles in my underwear to find a locksmith so that I could get back into my house' ? hehe - I bet this was something you didn't plan for on your travels.
@Louise47, @Clarissa14, @Bridget0, @Clare0 - I thought you might like to hear Tim's update here. 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
11:14 AM

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11:14 AM
it is great that you can live your life the way you want and enjoy it 🙂 So many people would like to live like you but they can not or they are affraid to even try. But everybody should try it for a while. It is very eye opening and it makes us wiser, less superficial and less spoiled. It wakes up our soul and help us realize what is really important in life.
I wish you all the best on your trip and keep bloging... 🙂
11:14 AM
09:54 PM

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09:54 PM
Hey @Timothy30
How's your travels going? It looks like you've been going for quite some time now! My wife and I are in a similar situation, currently traveling the US and are actually getting paid to do so via our blog and social media!
What do you do for remote work? We are looking for more ideas!
Austin & Brittany
09:54 PM
11:37 AM

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11:37 AM
Hello all 🙂
Big Thank You Timothy for inspirational story 🙂 Sounds so much fun!
I have heard some more good stories about taking few months of for travelling and staying at Airbnb. I’m planning to take one-year long vacation and to explore 12 countries in 12 months! I’m definitely working hard to make it happen.
Exploring new countries and staying in different Airbnb is so inspirational and life changing 🙂
Dear Timothy 🙂 I wish you many exciting and beautiful travels in future and you are always warmly welcome to visit wonderful Riga/Latvia 🙂
Happy & Sunny Regards from Riga 🙂