What are you thankful for?
03:36 PM

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03:36 PM
What are you thankful for?
Hey everyone,
We’re all well aware this year has been rough and that we’ve had quite a few challenges to overcome.
However, it is especially when times are hard that we learn to value and appreciate the things that matter most. Since it’s Thanksgiving in the US, I thought we should take some inspiration from this tradition and take stock of some of the things we are grateful for.
Whether it’s a comfy sofa, a very supportive person or a pet that brightened your days, I’m sure we all have things to appreciate 🤗
So I’m wondering: what positive things in your life are you thankful for? What helped you get through this year?
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03:36 PM
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04:25 AM

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04:25 AM
04:23 PM

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04:23 PM
Hi @Helen427,
Great to hear from you, thanks for sharing that lovely sentiment. 💕
I know that NZ is filled with amazing options, but do you have a favourite spot to enjoy the gift of nature?
I'm super thankful for my family and all the opportunities I've been given to travel, study and meet great people 😊 (oh, and I'm always extremely grateful for good food haha)
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04:23 PM
12:45 AM

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12:45 AM
@Liv Yes, this is a rough year but this is a taste of life sometimes bitter some time sweet. For me, this is a year I got a lot of domestic guests ( Before 99% of my guest is International ) so new learning curve and adapt.
Another surprise is my previous guests from Airbnb Experiences also message me about how they miss a day we did a morning hiking together .... so It feels good to know that we become a memory to each other.
So be safe everyone and wish you all the best.
12:45 AM
02:35 PM

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02:35 PM
Aww that's super nice, @Nutth0! You make a really good point, gratitude feels great whether it's coming from or towards you 😊
During these times I have also been revisiting several good memories, it definitely helps keeping the spirits up. Do you have any fond memories of guests that you've been thinking of lately?
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02:35 PM
01:23 PM

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01:23 PM
@Liv I'm currently sitting in an Airbnb house in a dreamy coastal town called Busselton in Western Australia. I have my family with me which comprises of my wife and two lovely kids aged nearly five and three. We head back home the day after tomorrow after three weeks of holidays and an extended road trip. To be able to do this amid all the uncertainty and turmoil that exists around the world is nothing short of a miracle. The pandemic and its after-effects have made me realise just how much we had taken for granted all of the simple joys of travelling - the uneventful check-ins, the crowded airports, the uncensored handshakes and hugs, the unhindered transits across countries and continents, and the social interactions which added so much colour to every journey. We have been extremely fortunate in WA to have a semblance of normalcy and I am grateful for the ability to have a holiday and enjoy some time off with the family when the rest of the world is still dealing with Covid-19.
I know in my heart that we will overcome this pandemic together. My only hope is that while it has increased the separation between people and nations in the short term and has introduced us to terms such as social distancing, hard borders, quarantining, in the long term we will all come together as a human race - to fight this disease, to find strength in unity, to share our grief and to march forward into a new future.
I wish everyone safe travels and a bright and rewarding 2021.
01:23 PM
02:45 PM

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02:45 PM
Hey @Jason1470,
Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful sentiment. It's so lovely that you and your family got the chance to spend such quality time together, and I'm sure your awareness of how valuable that is made it even better 😊
I also hope we can all come together and share lots of positivity after this is over 🌻
Btw, I looked up Busselton and it seems so beautiful! Have you got any pictures that you'd able to share with us?
Wishing you a safe trip back home!
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02:45 PM
10:52 PM

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10:52 PM
Hi @Liv
Busselton is a lovely town indeed. Some photos from our travels are attached. I have heaps more photos that I am in the process of uploading on my Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/theevolvingbackpacker/
10:52 PM
04:17 PM

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04:17 PM
These are amazing, @Jason1470! Thanks for sharing, that beach and the wooden bridge on the rocks are so stunning 😍
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01:50 PM

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01:50 PM
@Liv- I will admit this year has been a struggle for me in many ways. I did close down my Airbnb cabin for 5 months in hopes that the pandemic would improve. When it became obvious that it was here to stay for awhile, I reopened. I am thankful that I still am getting bookings because I don't live in a heavily tourist-visited area. I am most thankful that i was still able to join my family for dinner Thursday. We all deliberated on whether we should get together, but in the end decided to chance it and observe social distancing as much as possible. It was a lovely day and we came away with such good feelings because it was the first time this year we had been together.
01:50 PM
02:50 PM

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02:50 PM
Hi @Susan1404,
I can only imagine how hard it must've been, but it's lovely to hear you're getting bookings again! I certainly hope they keep on coming 😊
It's also really nice that you got to see your family after such a long time. I hope soon you can all meet again and hug each other as much as you like 💕
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02:50 PM
07:40 PM

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07:40 PM
I am most thankful good health and healthcare, a sane mind, and having people who live me. These are irreplaceable and invaluable. I come from a very humble economic upbringing. Even when I complain about hosting related events, I am thankful that I even have properties to live in and rent out, and have been educated well enough to articulate my viewpoint. I always tell myself, my husband, and our friends that our situations are prime examples of first-world problems.
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07:40 PM
02:57 PM

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02:57 PM
Hi @Debra300,
Those are great points! Our privileges, achievements and good health are often things we can easily take for granted, and it's always nice to remind ourselves how fortunate we are to have them 😊
I hope you get to spend some quality time with the people you love during the holidays ✨
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02:57 PM
03:30 PM

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03:30 PM
Dang it, I meant to say, "and having people who love me.", but as usual I hit the wrong key, and wrote, "and having people who live me." By now, you all know that you may need to fill in the word on my posts.
Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
03:30 PM
04:58 PM

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04:58 PM
No worries, @Debra300! I could tell what you meant 😆 it happens!
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