A Guest with no reviews

Level 1
Morris, CT

A Guest with no reviews

We have had 5 successful guests so far in our Airbnb journey. I received a request for a potential guest to come, and asked if she could bring 2 large German Shepherds, who will be crated when they are out. No picture, no profile.......want to say yes, but uncomfortable.

Ellen S Plotkin
5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ellen922 pictures are hidden by Airbnb until a booking is finalised in an attempt to stop discrimination.

Level 10
East Fremantle, Australia

@Ellen922  The good news is she asked about bringing the dogs so that’s a good sign. I have no problem asking a potential guest to tell me a little about yourself please, because there is no information in your profile. Just get a conversation going and you can tell a lot from the responses. If they don’t engage then I wouldn’t proceed with the booking.

Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Ellen922  I 100% agree with @Patti-And-Marty0  Conversation is key. I would ask age and weight of both dogs. My concerns are dogs being in a new environment and caged for an extended period of time. This could create constant barking, so I would also ask about their behavior (are they barkers) and the length of time they plan to keep them crated. Is it 2 hours at a time, a half day or a full day? German Shepherds have lots of energy and need to be active to release it, so should’t be cooped up for more than 2-3 hours. 

Also your place is beautiful! Are you prepared for the clean up when guest leaves? For example, hair everywhere, accidental damage, etc. Really think about it—two large dogs roaming around even when guests are present is a bit much. 

Level 1
Morris, CT

Thankbyou so much, you’ve given me great insight, and empowered me…..🙏🏻

Ellen S Plotkin
Level 10
San Diego, CA

@Ellen922  You need to decide whether you would like two large dogs roaming your place, shedding hair, sleeping on your sofa, etc.  You will need to do extra cleaning so perhaps charge a per day pet fee.

Don't worry about first timers, I've had many and they have all been great guests.

I agree with the comments above - start a conversation about the dogs, their plans, etc.