Critique my listing, Atlanta, GA - What should I Improve about my listing?

Level 1
Atlanta, GA

Critique my listing, Atlanta, GA - What should I Improve about my listing?

Critiquing myself..I believe that my photos could be better and that I can add more decor! How do you take your photos?

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Elysea1 Now how do I put this..... The bedroom photos look like what I imagine the inside of a seedy club/brothel looks like. Sorry but you did ask.

@Mike-And-Jane0  lol you clearly don't have teen daughters, cos that's what their bedrooms look like nowadays. although it's a bit tame and missing all the ivy vines and quirky/vintage art. 

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand


You are right you need better photo's,

If the place is new what about photo's from the projects web site when you first bought it?


Level 10
Berkeley, CA

@Elysea1 Your first review is a 5*. Congratulations! Your place is nice, and i like your pics showing  the overall view of the building. Looks modern, new and comfortable.

1. Perhaps adding some warmth putting out some flowers and pillows

2. Open windows and doors to let natural light in when taking the pics

3. White linens and towels (nicely folded)

4.Set wine glasses/plates, etc at kitchen counter, to make it more inviting' 

5. Not a big fun a color light though (perhaps have those pics set  almost at the end)

6. Pic of TV on is good

7. Good idea showing  Washer/dryer 

8. And most important: Please know NOT everybody here is unbecoming. 

9. Reddit sometimes is friendlier than this place. And that's something! 


Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Elysea1  welcome! 
You can't take decent photos in low light with a phone camera.  Pay a professional, it's worth it. 

I suggest a couple of "normal" photos of the bedroom and kitchen, keep the fun led light images as well, just don't lead with them? up to you of course! but, you might get some oldies who think that's the only option.  I'd want to see the bathroom before i booked, and where do the other guests sleep? there's no photo of another sleeping spot. 

If you have free secure parking, show a pic of that too, that's a good feature to highlight. 


good luck 🙂