I'm new to hosting and need some advice please

Level 2
Langebaan, South Africa

I'm new to hosting and need some advice please

I received a booking from a guest that previously received a negative review. She booked two nights for 10 people. I'm hesitant to allow her although she gave me an explanation of what happened. Is it possible for me to contact the host that gave her the review? How? Or what else can I do to make sure these guest will respect my property?

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Emsie3 2 nights for 10 guests screams trouble to me. I wouldn't bother contacting the previous host I would just decline/cancel the stay unless you live on your property.

Thank you for the advice; I appreciate it.

Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

@Emsie3 You CAN contact the host that left the bad review if you want to. Just find the review, and click on the host's profile. You can either PM them (I think) or contact them through the listing- doing a booking inquiry- just make it clear what you're asking about, and that you're not looking to book. I did that once with a guest that had so-so reviews, and the host couldn't remember why a bad rating was given. But it is possible to make contact....

Level 2
Langebaan, South Africa


@Emsie3  I meant to tell you also that this happened to me once as well. I looked at the reviews the host left for others, and it became obvious to me that she was batsh#t crazy! She left good reviews for "good" guests and became absolutely unhinged when she left reviews for "bad" guests. Based on that, I ended up giving the guest in question the benefit of the doubt, and she turned out to be a great guest. Really, really nice. Followed all house rules, good communication, and left the cabin really neat and clean. It does just prove that there are two sides to a story, as @Ana2038 said.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes, I agree. I also do this. Before I would even think of contacting the host, I have a look a the reviews they left for others and the responses to any less than glowing reviews they have received. Sometimes, the hosts do indeed seem crazy! Also, when they have left a bad review for another guest, you can check whether that guest has otherwise good reviews or not. 


So, I did accept guests a couple of times who had one bad review. What I found though was that some of the host's complaints were valid. For example, there was a girl (herself a host) who had apparently ignored the check out time. This obviously drove the host to distraction, and she left a scathing review, but she had a habit of leaving scathing reviews for several of her guests. The guest and her friend were really lovely, unproblematic guests, except, they totally mucked me around with check out...


Another time, I accepted a couple where there was a long list of complaints about cleanliness in one review. I asked them about it and they denied doing those things and said they were really confused about the review. They were absolutely lovely guests but, when they checked out, they left a pile of washing up by the sink and rubbish all over the bedroom floor. I didn't want to totally ruin their chances by loathing a scathing review because it really wasn't the end of the world for me, but I did make it very clear in my private feedback that it wasn't acceptable to do that and I could see why the previous host had been upset. I hope that they learnt their lesson!


So, it's not necessarily the host's complaints were invalid. They maybe just had a stronger reaction to some of these things. If I freaked out every time a guest did one thing wrong, I would be freaking out constantly.


There have, of course, also been guests who had a bad review, but didn't create any problems at all when they stayed with me. For a good person, who just made a mistake, that bad review was maybe a wake up call for them and they are on best behaviour at the next listing.


I think sometimes you just have to trust your gut instinct on these things. I have turned away guests who have a review that, even though they totally denied any wrong doing, said the host was lying etc. etc. just presented too many other red flags.



Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

I would reach out to the host to inquire on what/why the less than desired review was given. I had one guest who was given a bad review, so I asked the guest what happened and I also reached out to the host and asked what happened etc….it was a minor incident in my opinion and I accepted the guest reservation request. She stayed for 3 days and left the room clean, complied with house rules etc…we did not have any issue at all. She thanked me for giving her the benefit of the doubt and allowing her to stay. As they say, there’s two sides to each story….ultimately, it up to you to do what is in the best as it is your property…

Sorry for the grammatical errors...I was trying to reply and eat my breakfast before it got cold...

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

@Ana2038 @Huma0 

Recently here in Thailand airbnb have been flagging some guest inquiries, I have forget exactly what it said it comes up as a warning, I really dont no why apart from a couple of bad reviews, 

So whether the previous host has filed a complaint against the guest, I dont know

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Sometimes it's just an automatic thing. Like the algorithm thinks they are trying to share contact details even when they are not. This has happened to me a couple of times.