A dispute with guest

Level 2
Olympia, WA

A dispute with guest

I had a local couple book my apartment while their home was under remodel. They requested after booking to see the apartment and I just so happened to have 2 open so I showed both which is out of the normal procedure. They stayed from 5/10 to 7/31 constant requests- wanted several items moved out, the bed was too soft and after taking the topper off it was too hard. I had several calls and accommodated all their requests including new curtains over the blinds as they couldn't sleep ( that was after over a month) Long story short they requested money in the amount of 1200 on June 28th claiming the apt was dirty ( and yes it was they were filthy) I immediately responded and the support person agreed that a complaint of a dirty apartment that far into their stay was not right. So I assumed case closed and then out of the blue Sunday August 8th I had an email from Amit  around noon saying he was assigned this case and needed information I was working that day and picked it up at 6 responded that outside of the constant requests, it took over 8 hours to clean a small studio apt, my pans were so disgusting I threw them out, the microwave also and I found broken glass and all the drinking glasses were gone except one, missing towels etc. After sending my response I had an email back from Amit saying he had to resolve the dispute and decided to give them 2138 and 200 from 

Airbnb for their trouble. Ugh really what trouble? In my response originally from their claim on 6/28 I  offered to refund any money and they could move if they weren't happy. But no. I have called and emailed support everyday and after hours and all day on hold to be told only due to Covid all supervisors can not take calls and supposedly my inquiry has been escalated that was 2 days ago and I was told the last persons I have spoken with or emailed didn't process my dispute properly. They have been withholding my payouts and now yesterday I had a red flag that due to the negative review from this guest my listing has been paused  so that's nice I have 6 properties so every time I get a message there is a big red flag. I should have mentioned this guest has no rating first timer and I have several properties, a 5 year business relationship with Airbnb and was actually in this process of adding another which may not happen now. I have over 100 reviews and a great rating until 2 days ago. 

I am so stressed they have taken my payouts and I don't know what to do. Won't answer my emails or attempts to call and I have tried the help bot support desk also.

I can't believe they are treating a loyal host this way.

Thank you so much for any help as I'm getting nowhere with Airbnb and I have guests checking in but afraid they will continue to take my payouts


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I  see 6 listings of your listings are active and in the search system, so seems not to be paused.

I wondered why you continued with this guiests for such a long time. If both parties are so unhappy, shortening the reservation would have pleased all involved. Disputes with Airbnb CS are not allways solved correctly and these days they do not have enough staff and time to solve anything properly. .


i also wondered why you did submit a claim yourself about the damage and the missing stuff.


You can try Twitter (account: AirbnbHelp) and ask for reopening of the case.


Best regards,


Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Kelli8  For that much money, it might be worth taking it to airbnb's arbitration, depending on how much proof..messages, photos, testimonial from cleaners, etc. you  have. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Kelli8  To hopefully avoid such situations in the future-


Never run around trying to cater to a guest's demands. If your listing is clear and accurate, that's what the guest booked- there is no reason whatsoever to provide different curtains, different mattress, move furniture in or out. Guests who make endless demands or complaints are guests who will never be pleased no matter what.


If you get guests like this, do not suffer with them- get them out ASAP. " I'm sorry, but this booking doesn't seem to be a good fit for you- let's get it cancelled so you can find another place that meets your needs."