Airbnb is a responsible agent?

Level 2
Katonah, NY

Airbnb is a responsible agent?

Hi all, I'm a single listing host.  A guest of mine just cancelled with one week before arrival. 

But this not a sour grapes cancellation:  The guest could not get ABB to accept their payment.  Phone calls to banks, multiple card attempts, multiple cards and (by their reckoning close to 10 different conversations with ABB reps over almost 48 hours)

Out of frustration they cancelled.    Before I got to start this conv.  I happened to read a another guest's (not mine) "payment won't process" SOS.  So, anecdotally it seems ABB is skimping on their process maintenance.


  My guest doesn't seem to be a troll.  I believe them.  My gripe is its ABB's system that's responsible for my guest's woeful inconvenience and my own financial hit.   I'm in a location that is high demand in the summer -- I'm generally booked for the summer by the end of the previous March.  The fact that ABB makes my dates available after a cancellation isn't really a salve.


Never being in a guests shoes like this, I presume the guest Had To cancel in order to get their initial deposit back -- they couldn't just walk away from the deal.   And yes,  my cancellation policy is Flexible - so the guest could  keep themselves whole (aside from losing a 4 day vacation). 


If my Cancel Policy is Moderate (it was until this season) or Flexible (thought I'd try it this year),  Guest or Host will be t'd off on Airbnb support. 


So a couple of questions:  any other host out there have frustrated guests like mine?   What was the outcome?


I don't want the rubber stamp conversation from ABB customer service.   I already got it once earlier today when I called to see if they'd fess up to their failure to stand up to their faults. They didn't.   I  was wondering if there is something like a level 2 Moderator I can reach out to for redress?



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