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I am writing for my wife who is a super host in Toronto for many years now. Her nerves are shot and cannot take any more.
5 days ago ALL of our bookings in one of the two bedrooms we host in our family home were cancelled by Airbnb.
When questioned she was told there was a problem with the city of Toronto registration. We immediately contacted the city and we’re told there is absolutely no problem with our registration as far as the city is concerned.
After 2 days of back and forth communication with all of her guests most of them were able to rebook.
Now after just one day, she was horrified to find the exact same thing has happened to all of her guests bookings again!
We have been on the phone to airbnb host support a half dozen times now and keep getting the run around blaming the city and the city say not them. Every time we are told it will need to be escalated to an ambassador to get back to us. Like I said it has been 5 days now and we have yet to hear back from any ambassador from airbnb.
Yes-that’s speaks volumes, doesn’t it!
Another issue I've noticed. The Toronto Occupancy Tax is 4%, and when I look at my prior guests' price breakdown, it's exactly 4%. I'm trying to re-book my previous guests, and everyone is complaining that the charge is more. I've been digging into this and am noticing that there's no consistency on the occupancy taxes now, some are over 20%, with one guest as high as 34% of the room cost for occupancy taxes? Has anyone else seen this issue and guests complaining pricing changes when you haven't changed your daily rate?
I am having the same issue. I contacted AirBnb and they got back to me (shocking, I know! Still waiting for a response from my Friday afternoon messages) and they said it was because my cleaning fee was included in the nightly rate (I sent a special offer of the exact same payout on the exact same dates with the exact same number of guests). My cleaning fee is $100, yet the increased taxes are $65. I could not get through to the agent that there is no way there is a 65% occupancy tax in Toronto.
Just joining the chorus of the aggrieved here. STR license holder in good standing, Superhost for 4 years straight, and had all of my reservations cancelled in the Friday Afternoon Massacre.
Same as all of you, zero correspondence from AirBnb as they “look into it” - zero explanation of the issue, no timeline to remedy. 15 guests who have been fortunately rather understanding, if a little panicked.
I have low expectations for AirBnb CS and Superhost support, but I have to wonder: if you were intentionally trying to malign your suppliers, how would you go about it any differently? If I were in their shoes I would be in constant communication - as I have been with my guests. Instead they have scurried away in the light.
I have had a great experience overall hosting AirBnb the last 4 years, but I’ll be making a VRBO account this afternoon. I can’t a) risk my livelihood to a company that cannot care less about the impacts of a mistake like this, nor do I b) want to put poor guests who are travelling in already stressful times through this sort of headache for no reason at all.
My day job involved crisis management and what I always tell clients is that mistakes can and will happen, but what really counts is how you deal with them. What would you rate AirBnb’s response here, 0/10 for no attempt?
@Curtis156 I've just done an interview with CBC Toronto this morning, the reporter is looking for more hosts to share their story. Sounds like yours would be one she'd love to hear. If you'd like me to put her in touch with you I can, just send me a DM with your email or phone number and I'll pass it on.
I also am a super host who had all their reservations cancelled on Friday, it's been a nightmare.
I’m trying to travel to Toronto tomorrow and our reservations have all been canceled. I hope it gets canceled again and I can just pay them directly. **bleep** this!
@Blair110 I can only imagine that inadvertantly someone is suspending your listing either accidentally internally ,as in you or your wife ie 'turning the listing on and off' or externally if there is a message H all the best
I'm new on here, Is there way to opt out of letting Airbnb take out occupancy tax , and we as hosts send in the tax ourselves ? I read in several areas that they raise the % higher and they do not send it to the state on your behalf, causing the host to have to pay with penalty and fines.
any thoughts on this?
I have just spoken with a reporter from CBC Toronto, I have given her the link to this thread so she may try reach out to some of you to see if you'd be interested in telling your story. If you'd like me to try put you in contact with her directly you can also message me with a phone number or contact info and I will put you in touch. Hopefully our voices will be heard soon.
Thank you sooo much for doing this. I would be happy to speak to the reporter. Do you need my TO number or is a BC number ok?
Toronto number is probably best! You can send me a DM if that works for you and I'll pass it on!
@Chandra114 Toronto number is best if you're still interested! I did the interview this morning and I know the reporter is looking to speak with more hosts.
As a guest I am almost $700 out if pocket in airline change fees due to this issue. I booked my Airbnb 6 months ago and then I woke to find my booking gone and new guests having booked my slots. The nearest equitable accomodation was easily $1300 more and so I could not afford it. As such I contacted Airbnb and they, in order, blamed the host, looped me into private comms between the team basically saying they would get round to my query when they can cause they are off for the weekend, and then replying to me to go speak to the city of toronto if I have a problem. Case closed.
They started ignoring me on social media and refused to answer my messages. They also refused to discuss compensation of any sort and are ignoring my queries on where my refund is. It is not in my bank. Which is funny because the charge to buy is instant but my refund isn't anywhere to be found?
Worst of all, they continuously shifted blame onto the host. Ultimately the guest is the one who suffers here. The hosts can make bsck the money lost with new bookings bit this is both creating tension between guest and hosts and leaving guests like me out of pocket with no recourse.
I have $10k of Airbnb bookings for the rest of the year and honestly I'm thinking of cancelling them all and going with another company.
Hey Michael,
I've just done an interview with CBC Toronto, they're looking for guests' experiences too. If you DM me your phone number I can get you in touch with the reporter, your story from a guests point of view would really help if you're up for it.
As a host who had all his bookings cancelled, I 100% agree with you by the way. That sounds terrible. Hosts can book new bookings, guests getting hung out to dry is unacceptable.