Airbnb not following their own policies

Level 2
Lakeville, MN

Airbnb not following their own policies

Guest stated completely false information. The first Airbnb agent told me to prove it was full of lies by sending documentation. Which I did. Some of the untruths in the review: Guest claimed she was not made aware of extra resort charges even though they are mentioned in my ad and 3 different times in the Airbnb thread between myself and guest.  Guest said with the Airbnb charge and resort fees she "paid a total of $631." not mentioning the $145. which was deposit and credit she got back from resort at checkout. Leaving what she paid was actually $486. This was proven by the actual resort checkout invoice that Airbnb received a copy of when they wanted proof that her review was filled with lies. Also the resort was charging $769. for Thanksgiving weekend yet guest said she would have paid less booking direct with the resort. Airbnb said they can only remove when reviews have a 'guideline violation'. Airbnb's policy is that a review can not be 'misleading' or 'manipulative'.  The guest review is full of documented/proven untruths yet Airbnb will not remove it?
Why would anyone book my Airbnb rooms at that resort when her statement is telling them not to (based on a lie of the actual cost)? I guess because Airbnb's guidelines actually do not have to be followed.
I have had 12 listings with Airbnb for over 13 years and they would rather lose all those listings than remove a review that is against their own polices. I have indeed removed my listings.

I have 538 great reviews and this one bad one. I am sure others will say to just ignore and go on. The point is that if Airbnb does not even follow their own polices and continue to put profit before people then it is hard to do business with them. Doesn't Airbnb realize that their public opinion has fallen drastically and wonder why? That is why many previous hosts and even travelers switching to VRBO and other sites. 


6 Replies 6
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



It seems very unfair, but I am sorry to tell you that Airbnb did follow their own policy here. The review policy clearly states:


"While we expect all community members to post reviews that represent their genuine experience and contain accurate information, we do not generally mediate disputes concerning the truth of reviews."


This clause has been included for a reason. They do not want to get involved in "he said, she said" type battles. 


I myself once tried to get them to remove a review because the guest stated she was not informed of something important, but that thing was mentioned twice in the listing, which I had asked her to confirm she had read, and three times in messages before she booked. The guest even admitted later, when questioned, that she had not read the listing. Airbnb would not remove the review because they said, "It does not violate our content policy" and "It's the guest's experience," which are their standard, stock responses. 


Recently, Airbnb did announce that hosts would be allowed to ask for 'retaliatory' reviews to be removed, but how they define 'retaliatory' is anyone's guess. I suspect it means that the guest was asked to pay for damages, or asked to leave for breaking house rules. I doubt it would cover a guest being unhappy about extra fees.

As Airbnb states and you mention their policy is "contain accurate information". The Airbnb agent asked me to sent them proof that information in the review was not accurate. The guest stated that she paid a total $631. neglecting to say there was a $145. deposit that was held and never charged to her card. So her total with Airbnb and resort charges she was $486.  I contacted the resort and got the actual checkin/checkout invoice which clearly proves the fact. Airbnb asked for and received that proof.

Thus the review posted INACCURATE information which is against Airbnb review policy. The review policy also states a review can not be "misleading".  Guest states she could have gotten the rooms cheaper booking direct with resort. Since resort was charging $769. (proof sent to Airbnb) anyone reading that review would think they are being overcharged renting from me through Airbnb and would book direct with resort. How much more MISLEADING can that possibly be ?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Please read the wording again:


"While we expect all community members to post reviews that represent their genuine experience and contain accurate information, we do not generally mediate disputes concerning the truth of reviews."


That is not we require. That is not we insist. That is we 'expect'. HOWEVER, we do not mediate in this respect. It's pretty clear to me and this policy has been in place for a few years. It's a classic get out of jail free card.


And it doesn't matter what the CS rep told you. Airbnb CS is a shambles. If you speak to three different CS agents about the same issue, you will get three different answers.


As for the bit about misleading reviews, it states:


"They also may not be used as an attempt to mislead or deceive Airbnb or another person. For example, guests should not write biased or inauthentic reviews as a form of retaliation against a Host who enforces a policy or rule."


So, that is where the retaliatory review thing kicks in. As far as CS is concerned, if the guest was unhappy with the extra charges, that was her experience and she is free to express her opinion about that experience.


In order for you to prove that it was retaliatory, you need more evidence. I mean something like the guest stating, in writing on the Airbnb system, "Unless you drop this fee, I am going to leave you a really bad review."


Look, I am not saying it's right. I'm not saying it's fair. It's really not. But it's been working this way for a long time now. Just browse this forum and you will find plenty of examples of the same thing.

Actually it was retaliatory. Along with all the other documents I sent Airbnb I included the guest's text messages. Her whole problem was she was mad about the fees and felt she should get a credit. I explained they were noted in the ad and also was why I lowered my room rate and upgraded her at no cost.  When I told her I would not rebate is when her retaliation immediately started. Complaining about other things that were untrue. Like room wasn't clean, heat wasn't working etc. This is a high-end resort that cleans and disinfects daily. (I have 536 great reviews none of which complain about room cleanliness or heat.) The resort went to the room and checked and found her complaints unfounded. I got 5 phone calls and 4 text during my family Thanksgiving dinner and I responded to them all. One of the text from guest said "I am giving you grace and not putting in a bad review". (Airbnb received copies of text).  I always do reviews but did not in this case because it all would have been bad and because she put in writing she would not review so thought it best for everyone. Then she waited until the last day (saturday) to do the bad review. It came to my email on Sunday. I tried to respond to the review within minutes of receipt and Airbnb said my chance had expired. I called them and asked why I could not respond within minutes of me getting the review emailed to me and was told Airbnb is on a one day lag from time of review to posting so I was a day late. The lag is not the hosts fault and hosts should at the very least have a few hours to respond. 

Airbnb received all proof that the review was MISLEADING, had INACCURATE information and was RETALIATORY.

Anyway I appreciate you trying to defend Airbnb but wrong is wrong.

I was just forced to self-remove the bad review by removing all 11 of my ads and will be listing elsewhere. Airbnb and other would-be guests are on the losing end of this.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I am not trying to defend Airbnb. If you actually read my responses, you will see the it's the complete opposite. And if you read other posts on this subject (where I and many other people have responded) you will see that it is the complete opposite. 


I'm sorry, I am just telling you how it is. If you don't want to hear that, fine, but I'm not going to lie and say that Airbnb treats its hosts fairly in these situations. They do not. They will not. Why? Because it's to their advantage to favour guests.


You are clearly angry right now, and rightly so, so you're not willing to listen to another viewpoint. Fair enough.


Your best chance is the guest's implication about the review, "I am giving you grace etc." but she was clever enough not to state it blatantly enough. And as for not leaving a negative review for the guest, well that was your choice and I understand it completely. However, if previous hosts had left a reasonably honest review, it might have saved you from all of this.

Thank you for your understanding and input. I guess Airbnb does not care why their public opinion has continued to drop drastically.