Airbnb unfair treatment of host

Level 2
Boston, MA

Airbnb unfair treatment of host

I am shocked by unfair treatment of me as host by Airbnb. I had a guest who stayed at my apartment for 5 nights. I checked with her during her stay and she said everything was great. After she checked out, she reported to Airbnb that there were bugs in the apartment and requested a refund. Airbnb first told me that because she didn't communicate any problems with me during her stay, and because she didn't report it during 72 hour window, I am not obligated to refund me. My apartment was clean and there were not bugs when the cleaning crew finished. What likely happened was that the guest didn't keep the doors to the balcony closed as instructed, and there some bugs from outside got inside. I have no control of what guests do in the apartment. 


I am very disappointed that Airbnb issued a 90% refund to the guest, without letting me know. So disappointing, especially having a Super Host status. What do other Airbnb hosts do in situations like this? It appears that guest can come up with whatever stories to get a refund and hosts are not protected. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bolton, MA

@Hania120  So disheartening.  Did the guest furnish Air with pics of bugs?  I personally would continue to escalate this with Airbnb until I got a better resolution.  


Bugs is pretty broad descrption, were they flies, cockroaches, ants or mosquitos.  All but the cockroach are pretty normal this time of year in New England. 


I would also contact the guest and ask her about it and why there was nothing said during her stay. 


Hi Karen, thank you for your response. Yes, she did provide pics to Airbnb which look like small mosquitos/flies. It’s been very rainy in Puerto Rico and I think the bugs got in through an open balcony door. It’s just very disappointing that Airbnb issued her a 90% refund out of my payout. I have escalated it with Airbnb, hope that they will remedy the situation. I am concerned that I am not protected as a host at all if guests file silly claims like this in the future. It’s not fair to a host at all. 

Level 1
St. Augustine, FL

Absolutely, I had a couple stayed in my house who claimed they where Superhost like me from Canada. This woman had blocked my calendar 4 two months march and April thry made this reservation a year before. Three days before arrival she sais she is not staying for April nevermind they are not entitled to their refund bec I had a strict non refund. I spoked to two  agents they said I was on the right . With in 24 they gave them April refund. This woman harrased me telling me how dare I try to get her money. Aibnb said bec it is an "extended stay" the guest is entitled. Well I could have had rented to VRB to another guest early on. Before her arrival ,since things were kind of hostile I told her the upper story bath could not be used for 24 and that it was going to be fixed the next day brc the lid was allowing water to flow unless they manually use the key under the tank. I would have agreed for refunding them if I knew how nasty this was going to turn .I had the plumber available for1pm to fix the problen literaly 13 hours after their arrival she agreed to stay.

During 3-5am she send a text that I read at 8am. She complained about everything she also canceled the plumber 1pm and said send him at 2pm I answer at 8am sayi ng well the plumber got canceled and his next available is Saturday and that he is bussy with other jobs basically he was doing this to out of his way. She brought threads and claimed I false advertised 3 working bathrooms  which technically she could just opened the key manually and close it as it was finished. She brought bugs from an outside window spread the dead bugs on clean surfaces. Let the water leak put dirt on silverware (that I took pictures before her arrival because I had a feeling she was that kind of a guest)I had proof my house eas cleaned impecable had history from all guests that my house was is clean.  Airbnb not only refunded these people. They had vandalized my home in 2 days and left it very dirty . I could not use the deposit and they penalized me with $3,800.  After they send all kinds of bookings I iteraly worked for free they never send more bookings after paying them. Frankly I tink Airbnb has  a mafia and I one hundred percent beleive these people scamed me and end up with more money.I learned Airnb  have control as to how many bookings they send you, because when it was time to pay back they sent booking after booking. After that zip..none. Is extremely sad I know am being discriminated against it. My neighbors have had bookings every month, where are  my bookings my house is cute clean and has great areas. I had 2018-2024 April great bookings. After this incident not a peep. Sad I wish this gets regulated. I'm so sorry that happened to you I also know Airbnb gives priority to all the big rich ppl that have 3+rentals .