
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session



Thinking about allergies should I ask future guests the question of if they or there guests has any allergies in the pre booking message as well as on my listing? I have muffins, cookies, crackers and such for them to enjoy if they choose to partake in any which some do (I do label items what it is if needed, I buy muffins in bulk and wrap, I also buy cookies in packs and have to labels those as well and yes I’m careful to label correctly) and for household cleaners including tide and laundry sanitizer to wash linen I use the fragrance kind I am two months in as a host and no problems yet concerning allergies however I want to be pro active this day forward.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Rapid City, SD

People with allergies will tell you they have allergies. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Adrienne174  That's sort of opening a whole box of worms and indicating that you are willing to cater to all manner of personal preferences and allergies, some of them real and some imagined.


There isn't anything wrong with putting a line in your listing saying "Please let us know if you have any particular allergies and while we can't promise to be able to accommodate everything, we are willing to do our best."


If guests have serious allergies, it's really their responsibility to look after their own health and ask questions before booking.


As far as your laundry routine, and other scents, it's really advisable to stay away from heavily scented products and try to use more neutral products. An Airbnb should be as scentless as possible. I have no allergies myself, but no way can I sleep in bedding with a strong scent of the detergent, fabric softener, or dryer sheets. They just smell disgustingly chemical to me.


I use regular laundry detergent myself, but I line dry everything, so after a day in the sun and the breeze, they just smell like fresh air.

@Sarah977 @Jennie131 Thanks!!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Adrienne174  Although I don't accept guest pets, I have a dog and a cat myself. 

So where I mention them in my ad, I also state "Please do not book this listing if you have pet allergies."

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Adrienne174 we leave snacks and wine so I always ask about allergies and preferences. Normally most guests say that they aren't picky but the percentage that are can be very specific. If you do the same, I would advise asking. 


As far as fabric softeners, scented products etc. we actually state that we use these and are not suitable for allergy sufferers. We also accept pets so that is a no no for someone who is highly allergic to pet dander as we cannot guarantee that none exists despite cleaning between guests. I would advise stating clearly whether or not you are suitable for an allergy sufferer. Only once did we have one that did not read and marked us down for not accommodating her needs. We simply can't and say so plainly. Its helped us avoid most difficult situations.