Another horrible experience with a host has me wanting to leave Airbnb permanently

Level 2
West Hollywood, CA

Another horrible experience with a host has me wanting to leave Airbnb permanently

I've been on this platform for over 15 years. Many bookings, many great stays, but lately it has just gotten so out of hand with demanding hosts with insanely high standards. I'm a great guest. I treat the properties with care. I've never damaged anything, I check out on time, I'm quiet, I do exactly what the hosts ask—take out trash, start dishwasher, put linens and towels where they want them. But no, that is not enough, even when I'm already paying a hefty cleaning fee.


Most recently, a host left me a negative review because I didn't load the dishwasher perfectly and because there was "some oil" on the countertops. She also claimed I left the bathroom not "in good condition," even though all my family of 3 ever did there was shower twice, and brush our teeth. It was normal, standard, human use of a bathroom by traveling people.


Meanwhile, this same host decided to start garden construction in her backyard, with absolutely zero notice to us. The backyard faced our living room and kitchen. We had no choice but to leave our blinds closed during the day, as random men walked back and forth in front of our window and a truck pulled in with cement. It was insane. Yet, I never said a word to the host. I decided to just let it go.


And she had the nerve to complain about us not perfectly wiping her countertops, not perfectly cleaning her bathroom or stacking the dishwasher, even though we checked out an hour early and paid a cleaning fee.


Why do these hosts think that this is the right way to go about running their business? Trashing good guests, because of such miniscule things. It has all left such a bad taste in my mouth. You pay someone to stay at their house, you are quiet and respectful, you check out on time, you do what they ask, yet after all that you still have to deal with crappy reviews, ruining your day. It's insane.


I might give Airbnb another shot, but if something like this happens again, I'm done, truly done this time.

15 Replies 15

That's what I think, too. Like, if she thought I overloaded her dishwasher, why not just send me a private message and let me know. Like, a friendly tip. But why lay those things out in a negative review, making me sound like I'm a bad guest, which I'm not. How does leaving me a negative review of a recent guest benefit the host? Anyway, bad experience, makes me less likely to book on airbnb again, host doesn't win in this situation, guest only is left feeling that there is too much emotional stress that goes along with these bookings that makes them not feel like a better alternative to just staying in a hotel.