Can’t add a payout method

Can’t add a payout method

Hi.  I’m trying to add a payout method.  I follow all the steps to add PayPal, however once I’ve completed all the fields, been connected to PayPal, logged in there, I just get taken back to AirBnB’s ‘add a payout method’ page.  I’ve tried 10 times & the same thing keeps happening with no payout method actually recorded.   So I gave up & tried to add for bank transfer to an Australian back account (I am in hk, my property & bank account is in Australia).  But the payout would only allow a transfer in HK$.    Can anyone tell me how to get the PayPal payout to work?  I’ve seen other threads on this but there don’t seem to be any resolution so perhaps this is something Airbnb needs to look at directly?   Many thanks. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

hello @Sarah3514 & welcome to ABB CC from across the miles in Auckland, New Zealand, I hope you are doing well in Hong Kong.


Have you tried changing the Currency setting?


Alternatively @Nick @Quincy would you be able to help @Sarah3514  find a solution to this issue?


Thanks in advance

Central To All Home & Location

Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand