Can't find my listing + feedback on listing

Level 1
Sammamish, WA

Can't find my listing + feedback on listing

Hi, we have a new listing that we just posted.

We would love some feedback on it.

Direct link:

Also, question: When we search we can't find our listing.


The map search in the app shows only 1 listing in our town and does not show our listing. Does anyone know why?


Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The link to your listing is just:


It takes upto 24 hours before appearing in the search system, also before that the listing can not be booked. Wait until this link shows a result:



View Top Answer in original post

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The link to your listing is just:


It takes upto 24 hours before appearing in the search system, also before that the listing can not be booked. Wait until this link shows a result:



Great, thanks!

Level 10
Brevard, NC

@Michael5865 Your place is so cute! A few thoughts:

(1) Guests don't always read a listing fully (or at all), although they will typically look at the pics. Make sure they understand that they are only renting the bottom section of the house! The pic of the entire back of the house could be misleading... maybe add a caption to that pic that specifies the daylight basement nature of the rental.

(2) You discuss the dog that lives upstairs with the cohost (this is good). And you note that the listing is "pet friendly," but you do not discuss what that means (limits on # of pets or types of pets? pet fees? do they need to be leashed when outside? crated when left alone inside (or not left alone at all)?) or maybe you just want the potential guest to contact you with questions about pets before booking?

(3) Put a chair at the desk (and maybe a few things on the desk?) and retake the photo.

(4) Specify the # of parking spaces available under amenities. 

(5) Be even more specific about shared spaces and any limitations on use. 

(6) Think about limiting stays to less than a month until you have more hosting experience. Everything gets more complicated at 28 days +. Cancellation policy is different, guests become tenants with associated rights, etc...

(7) Implement a 2 night minimum. 1 night stays can be a pain, although some hosts thrive on these! 

(8) Think about adding a cleaning fee. This can help deter 1 night stays or at least help you profit from them.


Thanks for these suggestions, I have made most of these changes!