Canceling reservation

Level 1
New Haven, CT

Canceling reservation

Is there a way to cancel a booking with the guest’s permission without getting charged?


dates we’re supposed to be blocked off but a booking snuck in.

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Katie1688 Message the guest and say that, with their permission, you will ask Airbnb to cancel the reservation with no penalty to either party. Then, when they agree, ask Airbnb to cancel (stressing penalty free) and refer them to the message stream with the guest.

Level 10
Belfast, United Kingdom

I would be interested to know how you get on



Airbnb encourage us to have instant booking, but can very punitive if we make an error.

Would also be interested on the results of this incident.

In my experience instant booking can come back to bite you.

You need to be real careful with cancelations on your part even if it something beyond your control as I just recently found out. You will need to thoroughly document the cancelation and be sure to dot your i's and cross your t's. Stressing penalty free is the catch as you as an Airbnb host seem to get penalized right off the bat and you have to prove why the cancelation and show documentation. Sort of like guilty until proven innocent.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Katie1688,


Welcome to our amazing community!


Our experienced Host Mike has offered great advice. Have you contacted the Support team to get their input on this?


Please let us know once you’ve had a chance to read our comments.


Best regards,



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