Detailed breakdown AirBNB fees as "fees + VAT on electronic service"?

Detailed breakdown AirBNB fees as "fees + VAT on electronic service"?

Just wondering if AirBNB came up with the way for hosts to see detailed breakdown of AirBNB fees as "fees + VAT on electronic service" that they obligated to pay in EU and a lot of other countries 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Airbnb Service Fees are subject to VAT. Every reservation has a VAT invoice attached, which show the amounts.

No, it is not.


AirBNB Guest service fees supposedly includes VAT (AirBNB is paying it to Portugal since it provides electronic service in that country - rule common fo rall EU members)  which I, as a host, needs to see in order to communicate with tax authorities.


Unless you can post snapshot of invoice I am seeking the question is still unanwered 
