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I had a recent guest who rated me 5/5 on everything individually, but gave me a 4/5 as a whole because they wanted TYbee Island to be Hilton Head. This is actually written in the private review. If it were public a future guest would know it’s not my unit they were rating. They chose Tybee because it’s affordable and drove 3 hours round trip daily because the activities they wanted were in SC not GA. They wanted fancy shops and restaurants and chose an island that doesn’t offer either unless you drive into Savannah, GA.
The guest didn’t like the island they chose but wrote I was a great host and the property had everything they wanted. They wrote specifically they gave me 4/5 because they wished Tybee was more like Hilton Head.
By this logic I should rate any guest from a home city, state or country I don’t like poorly. this is a form of DISCRIMINATION.
This isn’t right. The guest chose Tybee and didn’t like Tybee. A guest should have a way to review a city without it affecting a host, as a host cannot change a city. This isn’t constructive feedback any host could work with or change.
It is always frustrating to get a 4-star review, no host here would disagree with you on that. But sometimes they cannot be helped. You did everything right but unfortunately, hosts have to rely on an imperfect world so it is certain that no one will have their perfect score forever. I doubt Airbnb will remove this review based on discrimination as they are concerned with the review text and not the star ratings. You may want to ask them to remove your response to the review as it is confusing to future guests (they cannot see that you received 4 stars, only that your guest had a relaxing time.) Also, your guest will not see your response so you should contact them within the private message thread if you have a comment directed towards them.
Thanks for the tip on my response. I didn’t know they wouldn’t see it.
The world is saying right now not to discriminate against people from Asia because of Coronavirus. So by the logic this guest used I should rate anyone from a location I don’t like poorly. They rated me on the city and island. They chose the wrong location and are taking it out on my unit.
This isn’t a rich fancy island which is clearly what they wanted. They chose an economical location and now are unhappy it’s not Hilton Head. They should have paid more to stay in a city they liked. They are discriminating against what our island is. They should be able to review a city separately from a host as I clearly cannot control a city. I cannot control that the activities they wanted to do were in Hilton Head and that they chose to stay here and drive there everyday. Mind you, they never expressed during their stay that anything was wrong. I would have gladly let them check out early and go stay in Hilton Head. I don’t want to force anyone to be here, but they chose here and they chose to stay and they chose to complain after the fact.
They wanted Champagne for beer money and no, it wasn't your fault they chose a location they didn't much like, but it is not discrimination.
Discrimination is about people categories, not perceived fanciness of an area.
Move on, you'll get better guests next time around.
Thank you for your feedback.
Would you consider it discrimination if I reviewed guest stays from certain places poorly even if they were fabulous guests, but I just wished they were from a place I like better?
I would never presume to rate an individual on where they are from. It’s wrong. It’s racist.
so why is it ok for me to be rated on where I own property? I am being rated on where I am from, not my home nor my hosting ability.
I agree with @Gordon0 that this is not a case of discrimination but more an ignorant new Air BNB guest. You have 5 listings in Tybee with over 700 reviews so I am surprised that location misunderstanding has not come up before. I looked at this listing and this guest. Perhaps a little information about your town that emphasizes the quiet quality of the beach town. Just a thought.
there is a saying
“from the wrong side of the tracks”
It’s discriminatory.
so I suppose Tybee is just the wrong side of the tracks, compared to Hilton Head. We are good enough on price but not good enough to enjoy.
@Christine2521 I wouldn't say it counts as discrimination, although I do understand your point. What it definitely is, is irrelevant. You might ask Airbnb to remove the review and rating, pointing out why the guest said they rated 4*s- that their reason has no relevance to your listing or your hosting.
I find it curious that "discrimination" has taken on a purely negative connotation, which isn't it's traditional meaning, at all. We discriminate every day-we choose to shop at this store, rather than that one, because they have better service or prices, we choose to buy one product over another- those are all discriminating actions. There are real estate ads that say "for the discriminating home buyer", meaning someone who can recognize quality and value.
But lately, it's just a dirty word.
I couldn’t agree more and I have only once in my lifetime used it to describe a situation.
To be rated and judged on where I am from is a discriminatory act. As I said above, if they had told me they like Hilton ahead better and wanted to move to Hilton Head, I would gladly have helped them achieve that with a pro rated refund. I would never want someone to stay on Tybee for less than $100/nt in a newly renovated 2 bedroom house if they decided they preferred to be somewhere else. At no time was I made aware there was an issue with the island. They say parking costs too much and it didn’t feel dog friendly because the law states no digs on the beaches. The activities they wanted, like fancy shops and restaurants, were not here either. No host has control over these. The guest should have asked to leave and I would have worked with them like I do all my guests. I am a superhost because I have nice properties and treat people fairly and kindly, but they are here not wherever someone prefers they were.
I want to be more transparent. I have been on the platform as a host since 2012, with 777 reviews. I have been a super host for years.
I have NEVER written anything on this platform before this thread. I have asked Airbnb to take the review down, so far they have called 2 nights in a row at 1:30Am and 10:30pm. They will not remove it.
I am a person of principal and believe in doing the right thing always. I don’t judge people on where they are from and I don’t want to be rated on the city my property is in. I don’t know the best way to “label” it but I know it’s wrong.
My suggestion would be, as a community, we lobby for a place a guest can review a host and separately review a city, as it is valuable feedback for travelers. If you think about it, Airbnb now books excursions. The technology is there. Guests should be able to rate a place. But that rating shouldn’t tie directly to a host.
@Christine2521 Is it really necessary to have a total meltdown, and invent an entirely novel definition of the word "discrimination," because 1 of your 777 reviews had a slightly lower star rating than you felt entitled to?
Please tell us which part of this review that you're so apoplectic about is in violation of the Content Policy, or is going to have a devastating effect on your business:
"Rambo's Retreat was just as it was advertised, a very private home on nearly the end of the street on Tybee Island. The beach was in easy walking distance and the fenced back yard was great for our dog. We spent a very relaxing 2 weeks on the island."
To anyone else's eyes, this is a positive review. Your public response to it was unnecessary, inappropriate, and altogether unprofessional. Not the kind of thing one would expect from such an experienced and well-regarded host.
I am suggesting we make a way for guests to rate a place without penalizing a host. This is constructive and would be helpful information to travelers especially when exploring new places. For example, pet friendly beaches. Kind of important for travelers with pets. To let them know ahead of booking is always considered helpful by my guests.
you can try to say I am having a meltdown. Wasn’t aware that I was but thank you for your opinion.
There is a constructive suggestion here that could be deemed helpful by more than myself.