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I often feel compelled to thank my guests when they leave a good review, just to show my appreciation. Sometimes, though, I feel it might be overkill, since I already leave a goodbye and a thanks on checkout day.
Do you thank your guests for good reviews?
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Great question !
Personally I always make a point to respond to all reviews, either to thank them for the positives, or to address any negative points. I certainly think that it is nice to thank guests who have gone to the trouble of writing a positive review.
I am not sure whether guests actually see the review responses though unless they deliberately go looking for them. It could therefore seem to be a very nice thought to write to them separately to ensure that they see your appreciation. In terms of potential overkill it perhaps depends on the context of the overall communications that you have had with each guest, as maybe strong levels along the way of positive communication both ways, and a good review from you (which they will have seen), may already have amply covered it.
So maybe this is something just to consider on a case by case basis, perhaps where for example communications along the way and your own review have not already been sufficiently positive enough, and you have been then very warmly surprised by the strength of their review appreciation !
Nice! Do they always respond?
That being said, if you are a business owner or a host who has received positive reviews from guests, it is always a good practice to respond to those reviews to show your appreciation and to acknowledge their positive feedback.
**This can help to build a positive relationship with your guests, encourage them to return in the future, and also demonstrate to potential guests that you value their experiences and opinions.
**[Link removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines ]
Of course, its good manners
Yes! I thank them for their glowing feedbacks by replying to their review and on AIrbnb messaging app.
I write a response to reviews good or bad because guests looking for a place to stay have told me they read my response the guest's review.
Pat, I am a great learner. I think it stems back to a particular Christmas day when us kids were sent outside to let the adults get on with preparing the Christmas feast. I as an 8 year old picked up a .22 calibre rife dad left up against the back door of the homestead, pointed it at one of my cousins and said...'put your hands up' and pulled the trigger. The gun went off and the bullet went through my cousin Ricky! That brought Christmas lunch to hurried conclusion. Rick was ok, he got rushed to hospital but the bullet didn't hit any major organ and he recovered quickly, but my father and I never really got on after that day! He thought I was a bit of a d*ckhead playing around with a loaded gun and I thought he was a bit of a d*ckhead leaving a loaded gun where an 8 year old had access to it.
It wasn't until Ade and I got married, at my reception speech as the bridegroom I said that dad and I hadn't always seen eye to eye but whenever I needed him he was there for me. He started to cry and dad and I mended a few bridges that day! Money was never any object during my upbringing, but love and guidance were lacking.
My dad taught me how not to bring up a family.
I have striven all through my life to not make those mistakes of my father and that has followed through into my hosting, that's why I am here on the CC, I want to learn. Wherever possible (without intruding) I ask my guests what they appreciate and what I can improve.
I always used to leave a guest review response, I felt it tidied up the stay until about 18 months ago! When asking guests how they felt about the review response their reaction was, the review was from the heart, the response was a reaction to the review, it was seen as taking up unnecessary space in the review process, so I stopped doing it......and it hasn't affected my bookings.
Guests read reviews, not the responses!
Heavens, @Robin4 … that could’ve turned out so much worse!
I was actually asking about thanking the guest in private for the nice review, on the chat. Sorry I didn’t make that more clear.
Sorry I digressed, yes I keep in touch with most of my guests. I always tell those I have got on well with as they leave....."If you wish to return at any time we have permanent contact through the Airbnb message stream, I like to reward return guests so just send me a message with dates you would like to stay and I will send back to you a special offer via a reduced nightly listing price I will offer you for those nights, which will make the stay just a bit cheaper. You do have to be ready though and jump in quickly before another guest hijacks the special offer"!
Also Pat, you will of course have noted that their personal contact details in the message stream disappear as soon as the reservation ends but, I keep a ledger with every guests mobile phone number and we do (in most instances) keep in touch.
I have a policy though, if the business has been introduced to me through Airbnb I like to keep subsequent stays within the Airbnb system......I don't steal Airbnb guests. It's just another way I want to be seen as a good Airbnb ambassador so that hopefully, if I ever do really need their help they will come to the party.
Yes I know.........that might be like p*ssing into a strong wind but I feel comfortable doing business that way!
LOL. Sorry, after reading all that... this was just funny. You're good Pat! If you feel like saying thank you, do it! I'll say thank you to my guests as many times as i feel like they deserve it. I still talk to most of my guests outside of the app. I just love em!
I completely understand your sentiment about expressing gratitude multiple times. While I do believe in the importance of showing appreciation, I also want to ensure that it doesn't feel repetitive or excessive. In general, I strive to strike a balance between expressing gratitude during the checkout process and responding to reviews when appropriate.
I believe that each guest's experience is unique, and I value the opportunity to connect with them individually. That's why I make it a point to respond to reviews, particularly when they highlight exceptional experiences or mention specific aspects that made their stay memorable. It allows me to personally thank each guest for their kind words and reinforces the positive relationship we've built.
However, I also understand that there may be instances where a simple thank you during the checkout process is sufficient. In those cases, I trust that my guests understand and appreciate the gratitude I have for their positive feedback and their choice to stay at my property.
Ultimately, my goal is to ensure that each guest feels appreciated and valued. Whether it's through a personal thank you note, a response to their review, or a warm farewell during the checkout process, I want them to know that their satisfaction is my utmost priority.
Yes, if they take the time to leave me a review, I take the time to leave them one - both on the review them as a guest and in the public view of their review of my place. A simple "Thank you so much for taking the time to write a lovely, honest review." works wonders and isn't overkill - you are expressing gratitude for them taking the time to help you help new guests get a an honest view of what is to be expected at your place.
Good question, yes I think it is nice to say Thank you to the guest after reviewing the good reviews. I do it sometimes to remind myself to appreciate what my guest has done with my property.