This is my first time booking with air bnb and I just want t...
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This is my first time booking with air bnb and I just want to make sure I’m booking the correct dates. We’re trying to plan a...
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Hey there everyone,
I was chatting with a host recently that suggested the tip of leaving board games in her guest rooms for them to enjoy in their downtime. A deck of cards opens up endless possibilities of games but minimising family disputes calls for the avoidance of Monopoly, for sure!
Do you provide board games for your guests to indulge in? What are your top picks?
What's an eski table?
@Rowena29 I knew what an Eski was, but not an Eski table, lol. Just learned something new.
Our place in Portugal is probably a lot like yours: it's sunny most of the time, and we have a swimming pool a stone's throw away. So, we didn't get any board games, because we thought that they wouldn't be used much. However, it is something to give some consideration to in the future. And we love the ping pong table idea. We don't have the space for it, but if we did, then we would certainly steal that idea from you, hehe.
What a simple idea! Hadn't thought of this but will immediately adopt. Most of our guests are gone all day travelling but this is still a value-add for sure. Thanx very much. Appreciated.
We have a lot of board games collected over the years and rarely played. I grew up playing board games but my husband did not. So, game night was me and the kids on rare occasions. I've also easily replaced a few board games and picked up a few I remember from childhood by finding them at yard sales and second hand stores for very little cost. So now I supply my guest space with a host of options including a deck of cards, Backgammon, checkers (themed to two rival sports teams) Parcheesi, Scrabble, Sorry and Yatzee. To date, no one has played the games, that I know of, but I have no problem if they do. And if pieces go missing, the games were at least well played and enjoyed by someone rather than sitting on a shelf collecting dust.
Hi @Stephanie Yes, our listing has a collection of board games for guests to enjoy. We also have a set of dominoes and a deck of cards. There is a large selection of books on hand.
@Stephanie We have a games cupboard and constantly adding to it, I am always looking in charity shops for new additions, guests love it especially on rainy days, you can’t beat a game of scrabble or Pictionary it brings families together, we also have an extensive collection of jigsaw puzzles.
Oh I'd be so worried about jigsaws - it only takes one stray piece going missing or getting hoovered up to ruin it! Luckily, I reckon your guests would be having way too much fun to finish the puzzle! Whitstable is an old haunt of my childhood 🙂
Yes, card games for sure. 1 reg deck, 1 uno deck, dominos , and catch phrase is good for a bigger group.
We do: backgammon, cards, trivial pursuit, chess/checkers, cribage, a couple other games, almost no one ever uses them.
Yes, we do as wll. Risk, Stratego, Connect 4, Trivial Pursuit 80's Edition, Battleship, Aggravation, Scrabble and decks of cards. We live near 3 Native Casinos so we pick up cards for free and replace them as they walk out the door LOL We have even had notes in the Guest Book about spirited board game competitions between the guests. They seem to love them.
I have cards, apple to apple board game and fish 🐠 for the little one plus a few books for children and adults
No! They've already got TV and Internet for whatever free time they might have. I want guests who arrive, go to sleep, wake up and leave for the day. That's the perfect guest. Little wear and tear on the place.
Since my listing now accommodates 2 people, I have put a half dozen 2 person games in the "breakfast" room part of the listing. One is even cooperative, in the event they are concerned about too much competetiveness. I'm going to start tracking usage as best I can.
This is a great idea, I think I’ll try it. Thanks!