
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Electrical/fire hazard and accommodation quality

Level 2
Tyabb, Australia

Electrical/fire hazard and accommodation quality

We are staying in a very expensive "luxury" apartment. There have been non-stop issues throughout the stay that have impacted the safety of my family, overall comfort and ability to enjoy the holiday.

Host is slow to respond and dismissive of any compensation. Have issued a formal complaint.


There was a power outlet that was smashed out of the wall with exposed wires in my child's room hidden behind the bed. My child found this as she went to plug the bed lamps in (no wonder they were out!) and this could have killed her or caused a fire, host fixed the issue but has so far refused to gracefully compensate. 

Aircon didn't work as described.

Kitchen amenities are extremely poor quality and nothing is in a set so we can't eat together. There is also no basic comforts such as milk, sugar, oil or pepper etc. Coffee supplied was motel style sachets of cheap quality.

Outdoor setting missing pieces, not as described through photos.

Lighting in the bathroom are sensor/timer based and go off when not in use. Due to the room setup this lights up the bedroom and will wake you up. They will also go off within a minute so you are left in the dark during use.

Hole in shower where the soap dish would be.

The place came with a buggy for transport at the destination but the electrical socket seems faulty and it only charges occasionally. 

Door to the toilet (all glass) can't be opened more that part way before it jams against the tiles, worry it will smash. Hard to get in to use the loo.

Beds are really bad, no doona covers on a Kmart quilt and only flat sheets to cover the layers of blankets they have tried to use to cover the cheap mattress. My neck is ruined from this. It is like sleeping on a fold out couch...


I really don't know what to do next. I'm flabbergasted at how poor this property is for the 7k price tag for 6 days. The edge, apartment 19 @hamilton island is where we are.


Has anyone had any success in getting a refund after such a situation? This had impacted our only vacation for a long time. Was meant to the the trip of a lifetime and everyday I've woken up tired, sore and worried about what will happen next. Constantly having to chat to a maintenance attendant and having very little resolved.

24 Replies 24
Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Laura5829 Did you stay the entire 6 days? If yes, why? Did you notify CS within 72 hours that rental wasn’t as described and a safety and health hazard?

There is no where else to stay on the island and we are interstate. Otherwise I would have left immediately after finding the outlet.  I notified the host of the issues as we came across them, you don't spend every second of your day inside. As we needed things we found them missing, broken or generally low quality.

The wall socket being exposed is a safety hazard in both electrocution and fire and it was in my child's room.

I think that if you are paying over $1000 dollars a night that the property should be in good working order. Currently can't open the master toilet door all the way because it rubs against the tiles and makes a grating sound, worried it'll smash.

Other comments have mentioned that I still had amenities but having 3 plates instead of 4 and such is kinda crap for the person who misses out and it is not really what I think anyone would expect?

On further investigation it seems like the issues im describing have been happening for a while but only reported by some. I thought that by now the better reviews would have been more accurate. 

Thanks for everyone's replies. I don't know if I have to respond individually or if everyone can see this as this is my first time using this forum.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Laura5829  It's harder to get a refund after you've stayed than if you get to the place and find it is not what was advertised and then cancel the booking. 


Other than the outlet issue, which you say was fixed it sounds like most of your complaints are that the amenities, e.g. the dishes, outdoor furniture, beds, etc. are not the expected high end/luxury quality as opposed to being missing or there being a real safety issue--which may fall under things to mention in a review but don't rise to the level of getting a refund.  Some of your complaints like the beds are subjective so if you have stayed the entire time, you may not get much of a refund. 


Why didn't you just cancel after the first or second day and find a different property?


Airbnb is notoriously random so it is also possible you can get a refund, there is really no way to tell in advance how things will go.


Is this the place?  It does look great, I did check the amenities and they don't have anything about cooking essentials, e.g. coffee, tea, oil, etc. checked as being provided.

@Mark116  it's not that easy to find another vacancy on an island like that. Also in the listing they never use the word "luxury". It's a bit pricey but it's peak summer season now, but they are very careful to not oversell it, as you say, the amenities list is scant. 

@Gillian166 wrote:

@Mark116  it's not that easy to find another vacancy on an island like that. Also in the listing they never use the word "luxury". It's a bit pricey but it's peak summer season now, but they are very careful to not oversell it, as you say, the amenities list is scant. 

It did say hot tub and it didn't work. It won't be corrected during the stay. I wanted that as I don't have it at home. I don't believe it is peak season here, this is the wet season and the middle of stinger time in the water.

It also states a fully equipped kitchen and I assumed that meant adequate plates and basics like salt and pepper etc for the amount of people staying, let alone the max occupancy of 8 (on

We are on an island interstate and there are no other options. I would also be forfeiting a lot of money if I left, including airfares etc. These issues also were discovered day by day as we went to use things.

The electrical outlet is absolutely a safety issue. It was exposed and smashed out of the plasterboard with a big hole. That is both a fire risk and my kid found it when they went to plug the light in. I'm glad she knew to come and get me immediately and wasn't too curious. 

The place was not cleaned properly and the plates etc supplied are in odd numbers.

The light issue in the bathroom is pretty difficult to sleep with if you want to use the bathroom at all in the night. It also turns off when you are in there and you need to open the door to activate it again.

Just found out today that the upstairs toilet had been running constantly.

I don't think anyone would expect this?

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Laura5829  another listing with one of those 3rd party hosts, they have 109 properties! I can sympathise with them that it's no doubt difficult to get furniture deliveries etc, but this isn't good enough, the few times I resort to k-mart stuff I make sure to remove the tags!! 😄  I'm kind of surprised they don't have hotel quality sheets etc as surely it's all managed by a laundry service? 

The reviews from 2 years ago mention how dated, dirty and shabby the apartment is and clearly not much as been done to improve it in time for the first real post-covid summer season, which is pretty appalling. 


To be fair, the listing doesn't suggest the apartment is luxurious, it mainly talks about how amazing the view is. If you're going for some kind of refund be sure to take photos of everything you think is misrepresented. 

Really appreciate your reply. 

I don't have an issue with Kmart but I expect the things to work well enough for use. Comparing this to other locations I've stayed at for a similar price range (not through Airbnb) it is really poor quality. Even comparing it to my basic cottage at home, it is not great.

I've taken photos and posted a review on Google. I don't think I'll get anything back as the host didn't really seem like he cared other than telling me he'd already spent money trying to fix these things but thanks for letting him know about them... But I don't want this to happen to anyone else. It is a lot of money to us. 

@Laura5829    I think when you are charging guests above average pricing your decor must also be above-average, so I make sure I've got unique/vintage and nicer pieces mixed in with the ikea and k-mart. 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

This came across to me as a match that was not made in heaven: the slightly sloppy place drawing a guest very particular about details.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



To be honest, I would be a bit particular if I was paying that amount. That equates to around US $780 a night. I am not sure how large the apartment was as I was unable to find the exact one, but I can see from others listed at The Edge, Hamilton Island, that this does indeed appear to be a luxury resort.


I paying US $79 a night for a room in a homestay, for example, then yes, perhaps one wouldn't be so picky. Not all of these things would be deal breakers to me, but I would certainly still expect a comfortable bed with adequate linen and for the wiring to be safe.

@Huma0  Particular (the word I used) to me means awareness, not necessarily fastidiously picky.


While on the subject, when one pays that price for a resort they are entitled to be picky, just not in my place whose emphasis is on other amenities instead;  despite the fact it averages close to 1k a night. I state explicitly it is not a resort however. If they insist on being so and want to pretend they are in one, I offer them an exit strategy quickly because they are definitely not in a resort and with a host who isn't offering one nor interested in drawing that clientele.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



That's fair enough. Your guests are getting a whole island and I guess it's supposed to be more of an adventure.


Then main thing though, is that you state things explicitly, as you say, so there should not be any major surprises. 


We all get those guests from time to time who ignore everything you have specified on the listing and arrive instead with their 'fantasy' of what they are getting... None the less, if what the OP has described is correct, and I was paying that rate per night, I would also be fairly disappointed.

Yes, I really try to convey the fact that we are not a resort and still every once in a while (1/40) get some one insisting on one. Since I am always a bit overbooked, I encourage them to leave quickly and quietly.  We could always use the 'free' days.


And yes, if someone is indeed selling luxury (and the price to go with it) they got to deliver what they promised.